
Isaac found an ancient sword when on an archaeological dig as part of a summer program for gifted youths. It seemed to speak to him and he felt almost compelled to keep it, but Isaac decided it was the heat and left it behind. But it had other ideas – appearing in his room upon his return. The sword’s craftsmanship is exceptional, and it seems to be impervious to damage and subtly helps him strike accurately. It also inspired him to study a variety of sword-based martial arts from around the world. He cares about the team because the sword seemed to draw him to them. Perhaps working with them will help him understand and realize his destiny.
"Protecting what matters to you is self-defense. Protecting what matters to others is warriorship."   Hero Name Warblade   Real Name Isaac Iannotti   Powers Sword (ancient weapon with mystical powers and an agenda of its own), martial Arts (almost supernaturally skilled in Judo, Wushu, Iaido and Razmafzar)   Playbook Beacon


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