Zero Gee

Mason is an outgoing if a little nerdy kid who suffers from all the normal insecurities. He only feels truly comfortable with himself when he's in costume fighting crime.   Mason was a boy who had always been fascinated by the stars and the mysteries of the universe. He was always looking up at the sky, dreaming of what it would be like to fly among the stars. One day when he was out doing some urban exploration he came across a strange device that had crashed through the roof of an abandoned warehouse. Unbeknownst to Mason, the device was part of an anti-gravity generator from the Steel Swarm ship that crashed into Halcyon City.   As soon as Mason touched the device, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. Suddenly, he was weightless, floating in mid-air. He looked down and saw that he was hovering several feet off the ground. He quickly realized that he had gained the power to control gravity.   Mason spent months learning how to control his powers. He could make himself weightless and float through the air like a feather. He could also increase his gravity, making himself incredibly heavy and nearly impossible to move. He even learned he could influence the way gravity interacts with nearby objects. He still feels pretty guilty for accidentally flinging the neighbor's yappy dog into space.   As he grew more confident in his abilities, Mason decided to use his powers for good. He created a superhero persona for himself and called himself Zero Gee. With his powers of gravity control, he could fly through the air and take down criminals with ease.
Hero Name Zero Gee   Real Name Mason Masterson   Powers Gravity control   Playbook Nova


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