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Cino Florencio Coronado

Imperator of the Lost Cino Florencio Coronado (a.k.a. King's Bastard)

My "family" were hypocrites.   From birth it was decided that not only was I to be damned, I would be seen as greedy. My other siblings? They would instead he heralded as heroes, those who would not only protect the kingdom but hold the confidence of the people in their hearts.   Never was I given a chance, so I took one. I took at every opportunity I could because never was I going to be given.   From funerals, widowers, conceited bureaucrat, my own king's handmaidens, I took. Nothing serious mind you, what I sought was simple and pure. Knowledge.   They already hated me, so why not use that for my own sake. The worst they had already done was call for my execution, but the queen wouldn't hear of it. She saw too much of her former lover in my eyes, his compassion.   Eventually my pursuits grew too much for them, around the age of 12 I had learned to summon my first puppet. One of my "fathers" old enemies that lay in the garden. While raised with no hint of his former intellect the staff were still thrown into a panic.   While they could not kill me, they decided to make my exile formal, banished from my kingdom. Though it was in this act that I found my sanctuary.   They had called it many things, the Greedlands, the Isles of Avarice, Cupidity County. Ironically I thought all of them shallow. To me it would always be known as Home.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall thing man whose body holds not much in the way of raw strength.

Body Features

Thin, with long dark hair. Besides that he has a birthmark on his left shoulder blade that resembles a hand.

Facial Features

Sharp face with brown eyes that are highlighted by his pale skin and dark hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Easily recognizable due to his hair and skin, but also his manner of speech.

Physical quirks

Will pause often between conversations, musing. Besides that he'll often get into a habit of examining people.

Apparel & Accessories

From death none, expect his spellbook. A manuscript, used to be a firm large book titled 'secrets of the world' but has rotted away.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once exiled he built a small nation with him as the only human occupant. Spirits, undead, demons, devils, fey, all beings magical in nature were his ally. In doing so he made all manner of deals and experiments. With no one to stay his hand he was free to delve into the deepest kinds of questions. Yet his focus was on one.   "How may I end conflict, how can I ensure a lasting peace?"   While humanity remained free, there would always be strife. This was the only boundary that Cino wouldn't cross. A peace that was enacted only upon the reliance of a controlled populace was fake.   Free will is not what damned him, but fate. The way the people saw him was decided when his name was given to him before his own birth. A curse, that which only free will could break.


Cino's demise was brought upon by the people he loved. He had amassed a home filled with all sorts of inhuman creatures, that which had no place to call a home of their own. To the people of Cynidicea it looked like he was gathering an army of monsters. Their panic grew by the day, as they looked out and saw a nation grow from their fears.   As always his brothers were quick to jump onto the wave of emotions created by the people. Johanne travelled to nearby kingdoms he had not already conquered and promised to leave them be if they gathered to squash a shared enemy. Fernando took to the streets, rallying the people into a single call to action.   So it was that the worlds army (not the actual world, but for all this continent knew it might as well have been) gathered at Cynidiea, while Cino remained at home researching in the name of peace.   Eventually Cino's own denizens informed him of the army, war was coming and the only outcome he could see was bloodshed for all. He had acquired a mass of knowledge, and a number of skills that could keep his home safe without him. So for the first time in years he sent a message to his brothers.   "I will be coming alone to discuss peace, meet me in the royal garden."   Briefly he said goodbye to the menagerie of beings he now lived with, and transported himself to the garden, alone. His brothers however, were not. They brought along a massive guard that filled up the spacious royal garden shoulder to shoulder. The only space around the room was given to Cino.   Attempts to broker peace was met with arms. The only thing on the table was his unconditional surrender. Yet he had only one, to leave the inhabitants of his home alone.   "For I love them, just as much as I love all of you," he said while staring past his brothers.   Instead of comfort his words ignited the fear that was building in the room. They lied. Lead him to a stage built for his execution and his brother Johanne dropped the axe. It was fitting he thought, that the only thing the people were united against in the end was him.   Yet across the land, a nation of beasts roared.

Gender Identity



Not sure tbh.


Mainly self taught, by inquiring into the free time of the royal tutors. He'd often need to bribe them with what little he had, but knowledge was worth any price.   His family ignored him for the most part, however there was a butler that was the closest thing to a father Cino had. An older butler names Ernesto who died when Cino turned 9.   His areas of expertise pertain to magic that doesn't involve tampering with the mind. Instead focusing on pursuits that could help people on a large scale, including necromancy.


Has taken part in many various small jobs while growing up.   This ranges from accompanying a farmhand to volunteering in a apothecary.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Takes great pleasure in knowing that while his family remains forgotten, his name is remembered. While he may be remembered as a villain, it bothers him none.   Still aims for peace for all of humanity.

Failures & Embarrassments

The fact that he never truly brought peace to his homeland, and that his death only caused further blood to be spilled.   Brought back, he sees this as a learning experience and has become slightly jaded by the turn of events.

Mental Trauma

After his death and biggest failure he's become more open to the loss of free will. Though he still hasn't landed on any clear side just yet.   He also remains incredibly easy to upset when compared to his brothers. Trying his best to stay away from their talents and tendencies. His strength is his mind, and he uses that to express his love.

Intellectual Characteristics

A sharp mind and seemingly photographic memory. When presented with a document he'll give it a once over to keep it in his memory, along with attaching anything important in his manuscript.

Morality & Philosophy

In life he was very clear about the importance of free will. That without it any kind of attainable peace was a bastardization.   In death he's now more open to the idea given the situation. While he won't stomp all over someone's ambition, he's become considerate.   Though his morality is still very clear on that mindless killing is disgusting.


For him, it's simply getting in the way of progress.

Personality Characteristics


Peace across the land, so that he might rest.

Virtues & Personality perks

People will often not know what's best for them, if they refuse to see it you lay it for all to witness.

Vices & Personality flaws

Is almost too big picture in scope to really grasp the small things when it comes to conflict. While conflict isn't a bad thing, to him it is.   Yet in trying to avoid it he'll often end up getting into it in some form or another.

Personality Quirks

When thinking he'll tap one of his fingers across his other arm.


Pretty clean, so clean that's it's almost unsettling.


Contacts & Relations


King Leon: (not actual father) King of Cynidicea and not Cino's real father. After the birth of their second child, Leon lock Isabella away in a corner of their kingdom. With only her servant in charge of her care. It was a surprise to the kingdom when a year later it was announced she was pregnant with their third child.   Queen Isabella (mother): Her lover was put to death when the king found out she was pregnant with Cino. She always partly blamed Cino for the last bit of her happiness being taken. She kept him at arms length, however she was one of the few people that didn't want to see him executed.   Johanne the conqueror (oldest brother): The mighty and righteous eldest sibling left much to prove. He had a knack for warfare that proved to be Cynidiceas edge in expanding past their borders.   He's callous, cocky, and hot-headed. Cino learned at a young age not to probe him, or he'd take a beating.   Fernando Suave (middle sibling): The jewel of the court. Fernando always had a knack for people, though Cino found that it often bordered on manipulation. With words like honey, and a temperament resembling a snake, the middle child was loud, vein, and more dangerous than the eldest. At least you could see Johannes strikes coming.

People he considers Family

Gorruk: Cino's one and only general and member of his army. A kind hearted Orc that pledged loyalty to him, under the condition that he'd be in charge of protecting Cino. To clarify, Cino has no army.   Ernesto: The butler that raised Cino, one of the only people in his upbringing to encourage Cino's curiosity. As such to thank him, when Cino found his new home he raised him back.   Erny: Originally Ernesto's, she's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that Cino made into a familiar after the butlers death.

Bastard son to the queen of Cynidicea, he was handed the short straw at birth. Even if he hadn't made a habit of pushing past taboo in lieu of the greater good, he'd still have ended up exiled eventually.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Imperator of the Lost   The King's Bastard
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It is not freewill that damned me, but fate. And it is freewill that will break it."
Known Languages
Common, orc, goblin

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