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Jynx Lovelace

Jynx Lovelace

Jynx is a lithe, bubbly, overly flexible young lady who is very excitable, bubbly, and seems to be a bit of a clutz. She is both incredibly lucky, and unlucky, and shares her fortunes with those around her. Her hair is incredibly fluffy and soft.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe and incredibly toned, she has a gymnist's body, and the flexibility to match.

Identifying Characteristics

Deep Purple eyes and gaudy hair Jynx is incredibly hard to miss in a room of other people if it weren't for her short height.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jynx is from the Willowend (Called Willow end by outsiders and willow wend by locals) and was born and raised there. She was born into the Dedran Family, a mostly Halfling crime syndicate which runs a series of gambling dens, brothels, and bars. Jynx is the youngest member of her family, and her innatae relation with luck and fortune caused her family to use her to cheat at their gambling halls and dens against rival families and individuals. Her mother and Father were next in line to inherit the family business, and by this metric, once Jynx comes of proper age and training, she is to as well. Though her Uncle is currently running the family until he will hand it over to her. She had done this kind of work from the age of 13 to 16, and after that her family organized for her to be enrolled in Nixia academy. This was not a case of the usual applications and tests and things, Her family organized for her to be enrolled and accepted into the academy. Jynx is excited and eager to attend, hoping to refine her skills as a witch for her family. Though her relation with her family is tense at times, there is a very close kinship with the rest of her folks in the same way that a family which makes a living off of organized crime generally is.

Gender Identity

Gender is fake


Jynx does not ascribe to a particular sexuality yet.

Morality & Philosophy

Jynx has very loose morals. Murder is acceptable and death happens. She has a very optimistic approach to this, and knows to do what she needs to do to get ahead in the world. Death is both sorrowful and beautiful.


Family Ties

Jynx has her old Nana, Verona, who is her granny on her father's side. She is the Matron of a large crime family, known for their devotion to The Lady of Luck.   There is her Uncle, who is the current boss, known as Foursuits. He took over for Jynx after her father died.   There is her Cousin, a young man named Jack who is the current enforcer and next in line to inherit the family name.   Another cousin named Lorien, she is about the same age as Jynx, though she is more technically minded, not so much natural talent.

Religious Views

Jynx follows the Tenants of the Lady of Luck, her whole family does, and revere her highly. Jynx currently has an occupant in her mind, which is this lady, though she has told nobody.

Social Aptitude

Jynx comes from a crime family, she has a deep aptitude for working with folks of business, criminals, and contracts. The area around her home is very closely link with the world of the Fey, and so she has become very good with contracts and manners.


Jynx is simultaneously extremely proper, and incredibly vulgar and terrible.

Wealth & Financial state

None, Jynx worked for a small gang of thieves and never really built up a ton of wealth.

Jynx is someone to whom luck is their whole existence. They are either lucky or unlucky, there is no in-between, and their luck often spreads to those around them, cursing her enemies with misfortune, and her allies with fortune.

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Chaotic - Just Chaotic
Current Residence
Nixia Academy
Female (Exploring)
White, changes often
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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