SummerCamp 2023

I pledge to write as many articles as possible for Summer Camp 2023, with my main goal being 8 articles for the Copper Badge.
— Finn

The Plan

I’ve attempted to get involved in SummerCamp in the past with limited success. This year is the first year my muse has decided to return, and as luck would have it I’m also running a game for a group of really good friends. I have a lot of information and a lot of plots, so with that, my goal is to have as much fun as possible, parse my notes and write up as much information as I can onto this page. The Badges on the sidebar are for the Copper Badge, the badge is made by Timepool, I linked the badge to their pledge article (hopefully). I’m also joining camp chill, to remind myself this is fun and to not get too worked up over things. Below all of this is the stat block sheet for keeping track of the pledge as summercamp progresses. I’ve been known to freak myself out with things like this and get in over my head too fast. I’m hoping to take it one piece at a time and just breathe through it. 
How I’m planning to tackle these articles might be a bit different than others. Since I’m actively running the game and most of this information is from memory or cobbled together notes, my main strategy is getting session reports up and using them to backfill articles by adding the necessary article architecture while building out the session reports. So far I have three session reports to write up, session four is currently being prepped, and I just noticed that the session report from the final one shot in this world from last year is missing. 



This is especially relevant in the coming weeks of Tel’Eryon and Wildspace as there has been a massive upset in the power balance. Tel’Eryon kind of exploded a few weeks ago and has left a massive vacuum, but not everyone is aware. My plan is to outline the major players that are not only concerned with what happened to a planet heretofore hidden from the rest of the galaxies, but also what happens when a magical rich planet full of thriving people without warning explodes and why. Also when planning all of the adversaries that are currently against my players in one way or another — some neutral, some don’t even know the characters exist — the current tally is 12. It’s going to be fun mapping that web out. 


Our players are very new to WildSpace, they’re exploring many new frontiers, trying to find their place among the stars. Maybe they’ll even find a home there someday. My plans for this include carving out new places among the established Spell Jammer locations, showcase new cities, push the boundaries of the known worlds and discover new and exciting and perhaps terrifying things. The main focus for this is going to be Wildspace, but since I have very few articles up about Tel’Eryon itself I can use this as infodumping about the planet that was. 


Relics from a bygone era. Pieces of history that may be of importance for some great mission. As my players discover the world around them they’re going to also discover pieces of the Tel’Eryon and how important it was in the fabric of WildSpace. By travelling to the very edges of the astral sea they’ll discover a world they barely connected with. Should they accept the quests before them they may even one day find a way to bring back what once was lost.


Communication has always been difficult in DND, and SpellJammer has not made it easier, my plan is to find ways to make communication across the stars possible. Not sure how to do this just yet, hoping the prompts might unleash some creative energy in that direction. 

Event Name

Summer Camp 2023




Copper Power
0 out of 8
Silver Frontier
0 out of 8
Gold Relics
0 out of 8
Diamond Communication
0 out of 8

All Articles
0 out of 32

Copper Power

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Power can mean many things, who has it, how do they wield it, and where does it come from?
My Goal
My goal is to use this to create the necessary adversaries and various power structures that both help and hinder my players on their journey through the stars.

Silver Frontier

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
My players are travelling through Wildspace and discovering many a new frontier.
My Goal
This I will give me a chance to write down all the new places they discover and all of the new magic they find,

Gold Relics

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Relics from a past long forgotten, or perhaps relics from a place that no longer exists.
My Goal
My goal is to use this to create the history of Tel’Eryon and discover all the bits that were missed during the explosion of a planet

Diamond Communication

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
How do you communicate across the vast reaches of wildspace?
My Goal
Figure that out, yeah?


Copper Power

Prompt 1
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Prompt 2
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Prompt 3
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 7
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Prompt 8
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Wild Card Prompt 9
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Wild Card Prompt 10
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Silver Frontier

Prompt 1
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Prompt 2
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Prompt 3
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 7
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Prompt 8
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Wild Card Prompt 9
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Wild Card Prompt 10
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Gold Relics

Prompt 1
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Prompt 2
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Prompt 3
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 7
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Prompt 8
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Wild Card Prompt 9
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Wild Card Prompt 10
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Diamond Communication

Prompt 1
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Prompt 2
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Prompt 3
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Prompt 4
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Prompt 5
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Prompt 6
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Prompt 7
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Prompt 8
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Wild Card Prompt 9
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Wild Card Prompt 10
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Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines

- Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.

- Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.

- Relax when you feel tired.

- Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.

- Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.
(Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.)

To use this block on your own camp pages: [block:1050823]


An illustration of young adults camping; one is roasting marshmallows, one is playing guitar, one is drinking a warm drink. There is a ghostly form hovering over them. It is badge shaped and reads World Anvil Summer Camp, Spooky Shenanigans 2023

Spooky Shenanigans by Haly, the Moonlight Bard


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Jul 5, 2023 16:44 by Sailing Ocelot

Ahoy! What a lovely pledge article for Summercamp! Now it has all started, do you have a favourite prompt so far? I hope your muse continues to return and flourish, and that the prompts give you a space to share your awesome ideas. Camp chill is a really good vibe, and sometimes the best way to tackle these things :)

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot