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The Shyn'A

Who are we, but the children of those who watch the world?
-Oliogga saying
  The Shyn'A or Guardians are the empowered champions of the Lord of Order, who were created during the Taming of Telarith, as the general and masters of the armies of the Metalborn. Each Guardian was empowered by the Lord of Order, and given charge over various aspects of the world, tasked to watch and maintain the planet and nurture the growing world-soul.   Each Shyn'A was a titanic being, capable of performing great feats of might and magic, and had major influences upon the history and course of Telarith. Over tens of thousands of years they watched and shaped the world, but eventually faded away. However, there presence can still be felt, as many cultures and species remember the Guardians and some of their deeds.  

The Guardians



The leader of the Shyn'A, he ruled from the city of Yyndareon (now the city of Tel Tela). A stern but also gentle giant, he governed the major affairs of the Shyn'A and was the greatest champions of the force of Order. He led the charge against the spawn of the Old Gods, and ensure that Telarith prospered during the eras under the Shyn'A. He was later killed by Sa'judthus during the First Fel Uprising.


Also known as the Life-Giver and Mistress of the Green, she was the wife to Yabram'Al and was given charge over the natural environment and creatures of Telarith. She tended to the "gardens of the world" growing vast jungles, dense forests, and filling the land with all sorts of plants and animals. Ishra blessed the raqui Aji'n and his followers, the Aji'n, who would go on to become the Aj'Ra and Aj'Va. Although Yabram'Al dwelled in the city of Cana'shyn, Ishra reigned in her own city, the City of Gardens known as Canaynor.   Ishra would be one of the few remaining Guardians following the First Fel Uprising, and would later sacrifice herself to close a great portal, ensuring that the Burning Legion could not invade Telarith. With Ishra gone, her servants slowly dwindled, and in time Canaynor was abandoned, only to be inhabited, ironically, by the descendants of the race she created, the aj'ra.


Lord of Mechani and the Great Clockwork King, Tethra was the wise innovator and inventor of the Shyn'A, who developed specific mechanical constructs built for specific purposes, from hunting and mining to battle and aerial combat. He ruled from the city of Clik'calak (currently the city of Jabbawunnab).   Following the First Fel Uprising, Tethra removed himself from the world and remained inside his mechanical city, trying to craft the perfect city where everything worked like clockwork. He further devolved into paranoia and eventually insanity, and during the Great Darkness was twisted by the demon hordes, creating monstrous fel-powered machines for the Burning Legion. He was eventually slain thanks to the efforts of local chippa and heroes of the First Alliance.


Storm Queen and the Mistress of Lighting and Thunder, Ioran was given charge over other the powerful wrath of nature and the environment. She was the wife of Yikt'Al, reigning from the city of Yyndareon. She commanded an elite force of "thunder maidens" who were said to bring forth rain and storms with wings of lightning and swords of thunder. These maidens may have been the original inspiration for the lithryn's Vana'kyn.   Iioran helped create the mighty Anchors, and would remain the temperamental love of Yikt'al, but during the First Fel Uprising her husband was killed, and Iioran was one of the few surviving Guardians following it. Iioran would rule over the dwindling city for tens of thousands of years, before finally sacrificing herself during the Great Darkness.


The powerful Guardian Sa'judthus was skilled in battle tactics and gifted with great intelligence, and served alongside his brother Yikt'Al. Sa'judthus created many powerful inventions and devices to help the Titanborn during their conquest of Telarith. He would also go on to bless the raqui Kurrigos and his followers, who would go on to become the oroc'mac.   Despite his loyalty to his cause and his fellow Guardians, Sa'judthus is known today only as the Betrayer. In his great zeal he had tried to master all forms of magic. This eventually led to his discovery of fel magic, which he curiously began to study, believing he could use it to help his fellow Shyn'A. However, as Sa'judthus continued his research, his mind began to waver, and the using the chaos of fel magic he saw the vision of what had happened to his creator, the Titans. He realized that now Sargeras had unleashed his demonic Burning Legion, and one day eventually find and destroy Telarith. He came to the conclusion that without the Pantheon, the titanborn would not last against the Burning Legion, and the only way to truly protect Telarith would be to use the power of the Legion against it: the fel.   Sa'judthus knew that his fellow Guardians would not allow or recognize his efforts, so he conceived a plan to take the Forge of Yyndareon and create an army of fel titanborn. His plan almost unraveled when Don'eli, his closet companion, who discovered his plot. However, he convinced her that is was necessary, and she joined his scheme. The two together attacked Yyndareon, forcing Yikt'Al to flee. He tainted the Forge and became creating fel-empowered titanborn, wrathful and powerful beings to conquer Telarith. However, Yikt'Al managed to unite the remaining Guardians, and would attack and kill his brother, though Yikt'Al soon die of his wounds.


Lord of colassi and one of the strongest Guardians, Yabram'Al ruled from the great city of Cana'shyn, which was built to house the Old God En'Raka. Yabram'Al commanded the colassi, who carved out valleys and basin and erected rivers and mountains, shaping the wild terrain of Telarith. During the First Fel Uprising he was slain by Don'eli.  


The Wanderer, also known as the Wandering Giant, Tysh'Al has always been a more recluisve Shyn'A. Following the great Taming of Telarith, Tysh'Al wandered the world, forming and shaping the land, hunting down Oldspawn, and ensuring order and stability prevailed. He would help many fledging races and has been active in many major wars and events throughout Telarith's history, and survives even to this day.  


Known as the Underwitch and the Fallen lady, Don'eli once was ruler of the city of Maimo'ea (currently the city of Mamakel). She built her domain into earth and was once known as the Faerie Queen, ruler of the tiny Faey. She was lovely and good-natured, bringing warmth and natural growth to the lands around her. However, when the Titans became silent, Don'eli grew less joyful and more brooding, and her fears grew greatly, in part thanks to the workings of the Old God Umukaye who began warping and influencing her mind.   Don'eli was a close confident and friend to Sa'judthus, and joined him in the First Fel Uprising. She led her Dark Faey into battle, but eventually her city was attacked and destroyed, and Don'eli was wounded by Tysh'Al. However, she disappeared.


Archon of seas, Queen of Tides and Currents, All-Mother of the Meraeldi, Leisraen was given charge over the city of Aquarallor beneath the deep northern oceans. Unlike the other Shyn'A who employed the metallic and stone-like titanborn, Leisraen employed the aqui. She had created the race after blessing the raqui Merrania and her followers, who became the aqui. Leisraen ruled the race as their queen, teaching and guiding them.   However, she would be slain during the First Fel Uprising. While her aquatic domain made it difficult for Sa'judthus to fight her forces, he used crafter methods. Using an ancient Titan relic (which would thereafter be named the Tears of the Tide) he opened up the ocean above Aquarallor and unleashed his armies. Though Leisraen and the aqui fought valiantly, they faced their foes on solid ground, out of their element. In the end, Leisraen destroyed the great Anchor of the city, unleashing a vast reservoir of mana that destroyed the city, radiating the water and leaving it uninhabitable for thousands of years.

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