The Agricia Geographic Location in Telim | World Anvil
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The Agricia

A league from the tower of Tritonis, between two ridges of black smokers, lies the fertile valley known as the Agricia. The minerals and nutrients spewed by the smokers drift down into the valley, and create a flat, fecund area perfect for farming and agriculture.   Tritons and locatha have farmed the Agricia for generations, and the land is divided into plots by coral fences (which are primarily meant to help keep various crustacean livestock from wandering too far away). Rows of giant kelp, fields of sea grass cultivars, and orchards of fruiting algae trees are tended to by farmers, who use domesticated glowcrabs for both illumination and pest control.   Scattered throughout the valley are small copses of tall, dense sea anemones. Though they are beneficial by preying on fish who might want to graze on the plants, they have a tendency to move around the valley, and can be dangerous to anyone wishing to pass through them.


The Agricia is a short swim from Tritonis. It is formed by two mostly parallel ridges one to two miles apart, and which run for nearly fifty. These ridges are actively volcanic, and are topped by many black smokers, which pump super-heated mineral nutrients into the sea. As the water cools, the minerals descend and - aided by local currents - come to rest in the valley. Millennia of this process has created a plain of gently rolling hills of fertile soil, constantly fed by a gentle rain of nutrients.

Fauna & Flora

Long ago the locatha developed methods of raising giant lobsters, much like some terrestrials raise cattle, breeding a strain which grows fat and has tiny, weak claws. They also domesticated glowcrabs, using them to keep pests out of their gardens. Glowcrabs are now used throughout the valley, and from far away blink like fireflies at the edge of a forest.   Giant kelps are grown in rows and are harvested with tools made from the pincers of giant crabs, somewhat like scissors. There are several varieties of sea grasses, some harvested for their seed pods, others mashed into a paste. A type of algae with a fruiting body has been cultivated to grow to enormous heights, and its fruits are bright orange and buoyant. As the fruit ripens it pulls its branch more and more vertical, until finally snapping off and drifting up and away. An experienced farmer will know when an algae tree is close to losing its fruit, and will harvest them right before they do.   As the area is near to Tritonis and has been settled for thousands of years, there is little danger from local wildlife. However, one must still be careful around the moving copses of teeth anemones. Primarily preying on hapless fish and schools of squid, they are more than happy to gobble up a lobster separated from its herd, or even a dozing lobsherd. They are nevertheless easy to avoid, though should they move into the middle of a farmer's field, getting them to move out is an entirely different type of problem.

Natural Resources

The Agricia is the most abundant source of food in Tritonia, providing not just all the food for the massive capital, but also able to export it to many far-flung forts and colonies. In addition, the giant lobster carapaces serve as excellent material for arming the triton legions.
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