First Shadowfall

Shadowfall is a seasonal event when the shadow of the Rings of Tellandria passes over the face of Tellandria, leading to obstructed sunlight, reddened and hazy skies, and unusual magical phenomena brought on by the increased dim light. The arrival date, length of the event, and associated magical phenomena differ based on geographical location.

Shadowfall in Chapel Valley:
In Chapel Valley, Shadowfall is broken up into two sections: First Shadowfall, and Second Shadowfall, to distinguish between when the shadow of the rings travels North across the Valley, and when it returns heading South. There is a brief period in the middle where the shadow is too far north to fall on the Valley known as Shadow's Respite, and the end of the second shadowfall is celebrated with the holiday of Unveiling.

First Shadowfall begins on the 15th of Withergreen and ends on the 16th of Lowsun with the coming of Shadow's Respite.

Cover image: by Owen Fulton