
During the Second Great Hunt, Iron Regiment soldiers reported seeing strange, humanoid-like creatures made of shadow hiding in the woods of Chapel Valley. These creatures came to be called "hidebehinds", as it was claimed they would follow unsuspecting folk through the woods, hiding behind trees and bushes to avoid detection. The mythos surrounding these creatures is wide and varied, and takes different forms depending on who is sharing the story. A handful of veterans of the Second Great Hunt claim to have actually spoken to hidebehinds that shapeshifted to take the form of a familiar face, only realizing they were duped after realizing that the person they were apparently speaking with had been in an entirely different encampment. Parents worried about their children traveling through wooded areas caution their children that the hidebehinds like to stalk humanoids through the woods, keeping to the shadows until they can snatch their prey and drag them back to their lairs. A recent addition to the story claims that hidebehinds detest the taste of alcohol, and so travelers are encouraged to drink as they make their way through densely wooded areas of the Valley.

As for the origins of these creatures, most stories claim that these creatures are the malevolent ghostly remains of whatever civilization previously inhabited the strange ruins that dot the valley. Some say it was a result of a curse bestowed on them by Druumat, the Binding Grasp, that prevented their souls from traveling to the afterlife. Others say that it was the Valley itself that prevented their souls from leaving, playing into the superstitious belief that the Valley itself is cursed.

In all stories, however, hidebehinds are not to be trusted.

Historical Basis


The story of the Hidebehinds is told as a cautionary tale throughout Chapel Valley.
Date of First Recording
Circa 193 Y.D.
Date of Setting
The Second Great Hunt
Related Locations

Cover image: by Owen Fulton
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