Shopping in Tellandria | World Anvil


In our previous game, we would have dedicated shopping sessions where I would create spreadsheets with goods, services, and upgrades available to purchase. Though this system gave players plenty of ways to spend their hard-earned coin (and allowed for some pretty spectacular super-soldier builds in the party), it had many flaws. In particular, this system was very time-consuming on my end, and didn't feel very organic in game, and promoted meta-gaming by encouraging players to purchase items that their characters might not otherwise actually purchase.

In Chapel Valley, I intend to run shopping much more organically. You can reference the tables of weapons, armor, trade goods, adventuring gear, and transportation found in Chapter 5 of the Players Handbook on pages 143 - 159 to get an understanding of the general prices of goods, but you will not know the complete inventories of any shops you encounter without taking the time to speak with their owners. Shops will not have the same variety and abundance of unique and powerful items as their Faerunian counterparts had, but this will keep the power cap manageable and make your purchases more meaningful.