I'm looking for some big-brained adventurers to help me out. My mama, bless her heart, just recently passed. I found these... sorta weird letters hidden in her chest. A journal as well, detailing her scandalous romance with a train-robbin' outlaw, of all things! One such Dirk Valentine. Quite a shock, y'all. That woman could damn-well keep a secret.

These letters hidden away hint at quite the treasure, as well as mention some prized possessions; drawings, photographs of the two of 'em together. I'm awaiting any smart enough to decode the puzzles this Dirk Valentine left behind to keep away would-be plunderers. I can't make heads nor tails of these letters, and I need someone who can. I'm not interested in the treasure or gold - I'm wantin' them photographs.

Meet me at my art studio if yer up for it.

- Connie O'McBrian-O'Malley
DM'd by Kenzie 
Session Date: Sunday, 10/10/21
Other, Flyer

Cover image: by Owen Fulton