The Chapel

The Chapel is a mysterious temple built on top of the Outcast Peaks. A permanent settlement has been established near the temple to assist in the study and research of this temple, and to support the Harbingers who use The Chapel for their rituals and religious rites. 

The Chapel itself is built out of a semi-translucent quartz-like crystal, and does not appear to have been carved. As best as anyone can tell, the crystal that forms the Chapel was grown using magical, divine, or artificial means. 

The most unique feature of the Chapel is its grand archway that seems to mirror the rings in the sky. Early explorers in the Valley discovered that one stands beneath the archway on either the Lively Solstice or the Lonely Solstice, they can see into the Ethereal Plane, and can watch the transfer of souls between the Prime Material Plane and the Celestial Plane.
Acropolis / Citadel

Cover image: by Owen Fulton
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