The Pantheon

The Pantheon is an archipelago of islands organized in a semi-circular shape located in the The Whispering Deep. The islands are extremely remote, with very little dry land between them and the continents of Faylen, Idraz, and Kropall, and little interaction with the underwater civilization of Levialune. Despite its relatively small size when compared to the other major continents of Tellandria, The Pantheon is considered by many to be a separate continent due to the archeological and mythological evidence suggesting that the island was once much larger prior to The Unmaking

Localized Phenomena

The waters within the semi-circle of islands that make up The Pantheon are unusually calm for most of the year. However, near the end of each month, this partially enclosed body of water is wracked by maelstroms and extreme weather events, and is often 


Given its location roughly on the equator of Tellandria, the islands of the The Pantheon enjoy warm tropical weather for much of the year, though terrible tropical storms and other dangerous arcane phenomena are known to plague the islands from time to time. 

Owning Organization

Cover image: by Owen Fulton