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The Abyss

Known as the home plane of demons, the Abyss is a chaotic evil plane built on the assumption that might makes right. While demons largely rule most of the known layers, other creatures, all evil and chaotic in nature, can be found in many of the layers, these creatures include undead, bodaks, renegade devils, corrupted mortals, and more. While the demon princes are considered to be the rulers of this plane, many of them are simply just powerful demons instead of powerful deities. Because power is all about your dominion over others, those demons who prove themselves to be the mightiest of their kind can often find themselves ruling sections of a layer, or an entire layer if they can just get others to fall in beneath them.

Life on this plane is hard and brutal, those who lack power are abused by those with power. Those with power are paranoid that their power could be taken away from them, and those who scheme for more power are often killed brutally and painfully to show others what happens if you go against your betters. Those who rise must always be on guard, for there is always one more powerful than yourself, and knowing when to push your muscle and when to prostrate yourself are important life lessons that few get to survive after a single mistake.

Beyond the constant power struggle of the demons and other natives of this plane, the inhabitants must also fight against the plane itself. Some layers are blistering hot or freezing cold, others are bogs of acid, deserts of crushed bone, or near-perfect copies of the Material Plane. Every layer is different, and all of it is devious. What might appear at first glance as a normal field of grass could easily become a field of carnivorous plants that feed on flesh, bones, and blood.

Despite the dangerous nature of this plane and its inhabitants, it isn’t all terrible. Some powerful lords have gotten it into their heads to make their domains proper cities and trading outposts, all to gain more power over others through magic items, wealth, and more. These cities often have very few rules, as it isn’t in the Abyss to follow law and order, though traders are often highly protected by the demon lords, for if the traders are too fearful to come, their dreams and aspirations of becoming a powerful city ends. Many times a trader will be given several strong demons to act as their guards, ensuring that a trader can come and go from the Abyss unmolested, then again, sometimes demon princes can change their mind and take what they want from a trader and leave them stranded on a layer. It’s difficult to stick to long term plans on this plane as sudden emotions and passions can overwhelm even the strongest willed.

Broken Reach

Broken Reach is a city founded a few hundred years ago by a succubus, Red Shroud, a flame-haired taskmistress who still rules the city to this day. She is well known for her poisons as well as having the most dependable information and rumors on the Abyss and the greater multiverse. Many Abyssal Lords, or demons hoping to become powerful, seek her advice and see the information from her as genuine and as real as you can get, despite her many connections, her city has had to fight to survive on this top layer. Mobs of petitioners, githzerai looking for a new citadel home in the Abyss, and even Abyssal lords have attempted to take the fortress city from her grasp, all have failed.

This town is typically one of the more hospitable places on the Plain, but that isn’t saying much. Those who are unprepared for the Abyss don’t survive their first night here, and those that do should have deep pockets for any supplies they need. Red, the succubus in charge, is a firm believer in turning a large profit and charges high taxes on everything in this town. In the town square is a slave auction and several succubi and incubi can be found there, most of them are the offspring of Red who doesn’t want any children trying to take over her role as head of the town.

Beneath the iron citadel that oversees the town is a portal to Plague-Mort, the gate town on the Outlands. Utilizing this portal, Red can conduct trade with the rest of the planes and gather the latest news and information about the multiverse. It is said that Red is no longer happy with just her one town and is looking to expand her holdings to the nearby fortress of Mithrengo.


This realm is ruled over by Graz’zt, a Demon Prince of pleasure, dark lusts, carnal desires, and subtle manipulations. Graz’zt is one of the demon princes that actively encourages traders to visit his realm and provides a retinue of demons to act as guards for the traders. The realm of Azzagrat is spread out across three layers with his citadel-fortress city, Zelatar, existing on all three layers simultaneously. This realm stretches over the 45th, 46th, and 47th layer and they share many traits as well as several conduits that connect them. The River of Salt flows and connects all three layers, this sparkling and crystalline river is made of liquid salt crystals that are deadly for anyone to submerge themselves in.

Portals between the three layers can appear in a wide variety of locations, all based on Graz’zt’s cruel sense of humor. Groves of viper trees, ovens of green fire, that may or may not be a portal, and other horrible and devious locations keep newcomers on their guards as they wander the realm. Even Zelatar is a confusing mess of streets that twist and weave themselves like a maze, always reworking their layout as soon as you go down the street. This fluid city is difficult to traverse, though all inhabitants of Zelatar seem to pick up on the intricacies of travel after a year of living there, all others require a guide for the city.



  • Abyss 1st Layer, Pazunia
    The 1st layer of the Abyss, the Plain of Infinite Portals.

Links & Background

  • Atlas of the Planes, layers

    1. Pazunia, the 1st layer of the abyss
    2. Azzagrat, the city of Zelatar
    Plane of Existence
    Location under