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Administrateur Avenshi Sotar

The Parish of the Prolific Coin is the foremost influential church in Ahznomahn and the closest thing to a state religion. The Profiteer has churches scattered throughout the city, primarily in smaller establishments rather than some monolithic temple in the city’s center. Of them, the most powerful temple is within sight of Parliament. A thick, square building, it appears more like a bank vault than a place of worship. The highest-ranking cleric in the order is Avenshi Sotar (N Kalamaran cleric 13), who manages this temple. Avenshi Sotar was born to a Kalamaran merchant and an influential daughter of the Zhenamohn family, a powerful merchant clan trading heavily with Bet Kalamar. In his youth, he took part in the business ventures, showing a flair for numbers and a skill in negotiation that exceeded his talented father's. The family’s fortunes multiplied with Avenshi’s influence, leading to his father gaining a seat in Parliament. Many of the other merchants and zurenas felt threatened by one of even partial-Kalamaran blood holding rank in Parliament and, as is wont to happen, Avenshi’s father quickly fell to an assassin's poisoned blade. His mother, fearing for her son’s life, sent him to the Parish of the Prolific Coin to study as a priest. Despite isolation from his family, Avenshi enjoyed continued successes in the marketplace and advanced rapidly through the ranks of the church. As his station increased, he watched his family’s fortune collapse until, one day, no other Sotars remained in Zha-nehzmish. Now he plots his revenge, using the church as a tool to uncover the conspirators that destroyed his father. So far, Avenshi uncovered two of the eight, and the ones he found suffered greatly. Unlike many Profiteers, Avenshi has no interest in finding the Hapless Diamond (see the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting sourcebook), consumed as he is by revenge. Avenshi is now the Temple Administrator, and though his responsibilities include the maintenance of his particular parish, he also manages the other temples throughout the city and on the main island. Some say his influence is so great that he has agents throughout Svimohzia and in many of the port cities through the Windy Straits and the Kalamaran Sea. It is merely a matter of time before he gains the title of Entrepreneur and, perhaps, even Magnus. In his middle years, Avenshi has brown skin and curly black hair with flecks of white. His brown eyes are flat and lifeless. He wears expensive robes with gold and platinum thread, jewelry and an exquisite silver cloak. His manner is cool and his business practices are ruthless, possibly explaining how his temple maintains nearly 300,000 gold Anvims. He is single, though rumor speaks of a mysterious concubine from another land.