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The natives call the city by its ancient name, Roshay. Tellene knows the city as Alnarma because that is the name Brandobian explorers gave it when they discovered it and first placed it on their maps in 499 Y.K. (18 I.R.).

At a Glance

For a tiny dot absent from most maps, the city looks like a section of a massive cosmopolitan port city. People of all races and tongue inhabit the town, although its roots are clearly Dejy.


The city has a massive Temple of the Overlord (detail priests as well), and several small hidden shrines to the Guardian serve as places of worship for the Face of the Free. The ranking cleric is Mewneha, the daughter of an Ahznom member of Parliament. For a brief time, she was a slave in Dowond-Brandel, but she escaped at the first opportunity, leaving her "owner" blind and bleeding in his home. She is truly regal in stature and speech. She works carefully to keep her presence hidden, lest the Theocrat overrun poor Alnarma, ending her freedom operation and her life.  

Mages & Sages

At any given time, the city has a disproportionate number of wizards because of the adventurers who lead escaped slaves there from the Theocracy. Resident wizards are limited CO two. The first is Shiseth's grandson, Jish, who specializes in spells that help travel and survival in the desert. His peers mock his phantom ass, a braying, tan version of the more common phantom steed. Despite the teasing, Jish's peers respect his knowledge of the desert, the hunt, and the weather.   The other experienced wizard is Daclen, a Cosdolite high elf in search of information about the ancient history of Tellene. Her own people did not bother with recording the history of the humans, but now she owns an artifact of human design but unknown origin. This ancient bowl, taken from the Obakasek Jungle, is nearly identical to those made here in Roshay by the Dejy natives. Daclen has been in the town for ten years and admires these people greatly.


Not all of the escaped slaves are model citizens. Some of them are rogues, happy to be able to ply their trade again. Worse, a few are Brolenese plants. They seek to discover the important people behind the raids the Face of the Free lead, and report back to their superiors when they have valuable information.


The Dejy feel little need for government among themselves. Traditionally, the oldest male in the community was respected as leader and his decisions, while open to discussion, were final once he declared discussion at an end. Now, with so many strangers who do not know their way, they feel the need to develop a more formal style. Shiseth, the city's patriarch, does not have this feeling.   He has been the leader for twenty-five years, and the system will be fine until he dies and then it will be another's problem. Shiseth was once a formidable fighter, a true terror of the desert, but now he is so old and frail that he requires care at all times.


The city has no regular military Force, but all men in the town are willing to pick up arms to defend it. A militia of around 600 men of all ages (most of them too old) will defend the city if necessary, with scarce weapons, little armor, and ample courage.   A greater danger to hostile intruders is the presence of clerics of the Overlord and Pel Brolenonese slavers. These merchants use Alnarma extensively as their only overland trade route. Any humanoids, monsters or nations foolish enough to attack Alnarrna will suffer the full wrath of Pel Brolenon.   Additionally, militant members of the Brotherhood of the Broken Chain secret themselves within Alnarma. They and their followers including a collection of adventurers and former slaves will vigorously defend this haven of escapees from Pel Brolenon.   Threats to the city include kobolds and wyverns from the Sliv Elenons, and gnolls and thri-kreen in the Elos Desert.

Industry & Trade

Merchant ships do not visit the tiny port often enough for the people of Alnarma. They have little to offer that Dowand-Brandel does not, however, some seafaring merchants that want slaves, but do not want to deal directly with the slavers in their homeland, come here instead.   Alnarma is the final stop on the great Elos Road stretching from Alnarma to Prompeldia. It is also an important stop for Brolenese heading East or North. Thus merchant caravans looking for slaves, gems or other exports from the Pel will stop here. A merchant can make a decent living simply traveling between Alnarma and Ehzhimahn.

Points of interest

The village of Narmaren (population 315) 20 miles to the west claims allegiance to the city-stateof Alnarma.
Alternative Name(s)
3,800 Dejy, Brandobians, Svimohz and others from around the world.
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