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At a Glance

The city is obviously home to both gnomes and humans, and the architecture is unique in that most buildings have two entrances of different sizes, and chairs to different scales and two different levels of windows. Citizens ride small horses and ponies through the streets and open fields; the only crowded area is the busy marketplace.

The city is constantly windy and the breeze carries a heavy salt taste from the bay. Shortly after dawn, a light wind stirs up and stays in effect. In the afternoon and early evening, the wind is typically very brisk, dying down only well after dark. The rainy season brings storms almost daily.


Baethel’s temples, like the rest of the city, do not discriminate by racial lines. Clerics might be of any race and most faiths are chaotic in alignment. The Church of the Life’s Fire is popular, the Theater of the Arts is large and diverse in its following, the Church of the Silver Mist has many followers, and the Church of the Night’s Beauty owns a beautiful building over five stories in height with flowering gardens on the roof of the first level and open windows on all higher levels.

Mages & Sages

Low-level mages are fairly common in Baethel, common enough that they have formed a loose organization not quite worthy of being called a guild. Nine wizards call themselves the Alliance of Might. The Alliance has two purposes. First, they share ideas and even spells to protect themselves against the Baethelite burglars. Secondly, and more importantly, they provide support for the militia, preferably well distant of the action.


The thieves’ guild battles bitterly against the locksmith’s guild at night. Baethel’s burglars are the best lockpickers in the world, and the city’s smiths struggle to build locks that cannot be picked or broken. The result is a supernatural talent among the city’s rogues and the best locks found on Tellene.

Because of the intense competition, foreign thieves are often stymied by the Baethelite merchants and their tough locks. Those who succeed in removing the locks often fall to cunning traps or fail to open the next lock on the door. Because they pose little threat to the welfare of the guild, Baethel’s thieves’ guild has no policy whatsoever concerning freelancers. The guild’s leader is currently an elf named Emaethelia who is searching for another way to win the battle with the locksmiths, preferably by magic. A Knock ritual a day, he claims, keeps the constable away.


7,500. Almost half are Reanaarese and Dejy humans, an equal number (3600) are gnomes, and elves make up the remainder.


Despite the human population, the city’s government has always remained a simple gnomish monarchy. Prince Jebim rules with the assistance of seven advisors appointed from among gnomish elders. His oldest son, Naaman, serves as his chief advisor. The two are very close and Jebim’s other four sons are expected to serve on the council upon Jebim’s assumption to the crown.


The larger humans have been an important part of the Baethelite military from their first meeting, when the Reanaarians helped the gnomes defend their city against an orc army. The army consists of under 200 humans in brigandine armor with spears and scimitars and mounted on warhorses. For closer support, the city relies on 80 gnomish heavy footmen in plate and light shield, with war pick and mace.

The army’s overall commander is Caralle, a gnomish woman who sits on Jebim’s council. She’s too old to take to the field herself, but her knowledge of the local geography, her speedy messengers, and her tactical experience make her an excellent leader from the rear.

Industry & Trade

The farmers of the area bring barley, radishes, leafy vegetables like cabbage, tomatoes, and walnuts to the market. The citizens trade in coin or in worked goods like carts, wagons, furniture, and wind-up toys of excellent make.

Points of interest

The Sixteen Tombs are the resting places for the gnomish nobility. They are elaborate stone mausoleums that lie near the center of the city. While the first eight or ten generations lie above ground in thick stone sarcophagi, more recent additions are buried underneath the ground level in spiraling chambers that extend, in some cases, eighty feet below the surface. Intrusion is not appreciated; trespassers are executed without question.

Large town
Location under