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THE BEAR, OLD GRIZZLY, FATHER OF THE TREANT, THE OLD OAK Belnar (Brandobian) Kernus (Dwarven) Bylenyr (Dejy) Valanna (Elven) Othgorr (Fhokki) Sevay (Gnomish) Belanar (Kalamaran) Thassah (Halfling) Bealaar (Reanaarese) Terenka-Shalik (Hobgoblin) Bemmini (Svimohzish) Bushnak (Orc)

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

Laws of Nature

The Brotherhood’s canon is a thick, usually ragged work in vellum. The priesthood has never been concerned overmuch with the quality of the book, as long as its contents are intact and its pages well read. Many copies are unbound.

The chapters number sixteen and bear titles such as Tooth, Claw, Sting, Root and River. It is packed with information about animals and plants. It contains basic facts relevant to surviving in the wild, avoiding poisonous plants, finding safe water, etc. Details about the priesthood are sparse and scattered throughout the book, leaving much open to speculation and argument. Conversely, it leads many to believe that The Bear does not believe in clerics, and that people should worship him directly and in their own way.

Brothers sell Laws of Nature without restriction, seeing its sale as a way to generate funds for their faith (or for themselves). When not busy with other tasks, a Brother often scribbles away at a new copy for the next interested person. Laws of Nature costs 30 gp.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


A huge oak tree


Silver acorn


Green and brown




Summer and winter solstice

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Old Oak appears on Tellene in one of three forms. The first and most common is that of an ancient, slightly senile druid dressed in ragged clothing and old sandals carrying a worn, oaken staff. The second form is that of a giant grizzly bear. Finally, he sometimes appears as a huge treant.
Divine Classification
Quotes & Catchphrases
Civilization is merely a term used to rationalize the destruction of life in order to erect dead material things. – To truly live is to feel the sun on your face, the grass between your toes, and not to ponder from whence your next meal comes. – A Brother of the Bear affects eternity since he knows not where his seed will spread.