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Dalgul   Also known as Rock gnomes in the Merchant’s tongue.   Rock gnomes prefer to be among their own kind instead of other races. When they do venture out, gnomes are the most comfortable with the other “short” races: halflings and dwarves. They feel the most kinship with dwarves, as they both live underground and enjoy gems and mechanical contraptions. Halflings can be a little simple at times, but as long as they tolerate a few jokes, the gnomes consider them fine companions. Gnomes are more distrustful of the “taller” races. Although they share many of the same opinions, or perhaps because of it, gnomes leave the elves alone and vice versa. Half-elves and humans are more of an enigma to the gnomes, and they prefer to judge them on a case-by-case basis. Half-Orcs and half-hobgoblins are just a little too dangerous to be trusted fully. Gnomes hate hobgoblins because they see them as big bullies.   Rock gnome settlements lie mainly in the hills of the Young Kingdoms, the Dopromond Downs and north central Kalamar. A large rural population lives throughout the Jorakk/Jendasha River valleys in the Wild Lands. Some rock gnomes also dwell in northern and western Svimohzia. Gnomes favor worship of The Holy Mother, The Peacemaker, The Liberator, and The Raconteur, and to a lesser extent The Mule, The Eye Opener and Risk.  


While rock gnomes are jokesters by nature, this does not mean that they spend every second of their waking day annoying those around them. The true value of humor depends as much on timing as anything else. By all means make jokes and play pranks, but choose opportune moments. Cracking a one-line in the heat of combat is acceptable; tripping over an ally fighting an ogre is not.   Likewise, cutting the bottom out of an arrogant colleague’s pants is fine for social situations, but cutting his armor straps may endanger his life. Don’t become a pain in the neck by stereotyping a gnome’s sense of humor into stupid behavior. Gnomes are curious, sometimes reckless, but they are not suicidal. While a gnome may open a door to see what lies beyond, he is less likely to do so if he knows that it is probably trapped. A gnome rogue might spend ages carefully recording the workings of a trap for future posterity, but he will not stand on the pressure place to see what happens. As with humor, this needs to be played carefully. Continually running off and placing your colleagues in danger may result in expulsion from the group or being ignored when you need help the most.   Gnomes are capable combatants, especially against their racial enemies. That said, trickery and illusion have kept more gnomes alive than drawn swords and headlong rushes into the fray. You can earn experience points by defeating a foe without resorting to combat. Make use of your innate abilities to lure foes into traps or ambushes, where you have the advantage.   The other extreme to this is playing a coward. Gnomes would have been wiped out centuries ago if they were innate cowards. Unlike goblinoids and kobolds, they breed at a much slower rate, meaning they can ill-afford to waste warriors. However, careful use of tactics, playing to your strengths and your enemies’ weaknesses, and using some brains rather than brawn does not mean you are a coward – just clever and resourceful.   Rock gnomes are also social creatures. Other races may prefer to sit in the shadows at the back on an inn, watching who come and goes, but a gnome is naturally inquisitive. Go out of your way to make friends and meet strangers. Sure, not all will mean you well, but at least your life will be interesting! Besides, most citizens of Tellene are happy to talk to polite strangers with good intentions. Who knows, the drunk at the bar may actually be a ranger in disguise and he may one day come to your rescue.   Tied in with this is the gnome love of social gatherings. Any faire or party is an excuse to mingle with different cultures or professions, make new friends, or try out new jokes. Gnomes tend to be generous, so buying a few rounds of drinks is a sure way of getting the party started. Do not be too concerned about money either; most gnomes have a trade they can fall back on if they fritter away their latest treasure hoard.
Ability Scores
Int +2; Con +1
25 ft.
Most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.
Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Gnome Cunning
You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Gnomish.
Artificer's Lore
Add twice your proficiency bonus to Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices.
You have proficiency with artisan's tools (tinker's tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). You can have up to three such devices active at a time. Choice of Clockwork Toy, Fire Starter or Music Box.