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As the hobgoblins migrated from the island of Svimohzia to the mainland, they spread out across the main continent of Tellene. A small number of groups pressed on past the P’Tikor hills and ended up in the area of the Arajyd Hills and the Khydoban Desert, but only the ancient Dazlakali thrived there. These hobgoblins eventually adapted to the harsh environment and their descendents became known as the Dazlak. Unlike the more traditional Kargi, Krangi, or Kors, the Dazlak do not possess greater than average Strength. Years of living with limited water supplies has forced the Dazlak muscles to become more water efficient. As a result, they are stringier and not as big or strong, but what they lack in strength they make up for in quickness and toughness. And while the Dazlak possess the same limited intellect of their western brethren, their close connection to nature nurtured their willpower and they have grown wiser.   The Dazlak are definitely a product of their environment. Their skin is usually a dusty or sandy color, ranging in color from yellow-brown to red-brown. It has a leathery texture that helps it hold water, and it is very dry from years in the hot sun. Likewise, Dazlak hair is usually medium to dark brown in color. It, too, has a weathered feel and is never cut or cropped short, as the Dazlak keep a tradition of respect for their legendary founder. (Legends depict Korrut pi Dazlak as a fierce, lean hobgoblin with long, dark, coarse hair.) Dazlak coloration generally gives them good camouflage in the sand and rocks of the open desert and nearby hills. Occasionally a Dazlak is born with very dark hair or very dark skin, but these offspring are almost always killed after birth. As a result, the Dazlak tend to exhibit less variance in coloration than the other subraces, though thisis also a result of a fairly limited stock of ancestors.   The Dazlak have a modified muscle structure, and as such resemble smaller, leaner hobgoblins. They average about five and a half feet in height and only 175 pounds in weight. As such, their muscles are longer and more efficient over the long term, better suited to acts of quickness and dexterity than brute strength. Their energy efficiency also makes them tougher than most humans, though only average for Krangi. When seen from a distance, a fully cloaked and clothed Dazlak can easily pass for a human. The Dazlak are fully aware of this, and often use it to their advantage on raids.   The Dazlak face is very similar to the other hobgoblin subraces, but with such taught, dry skin, it often appears smaller. Dazlak have pronounced chins that extend outwards from the mouth, but not to the extent of the Kargi. Their jaws are particularly strong, from years of eating the tough meat and plants of the desert, and their teeth are very sharp. Their tusks are somewhat smaller than those of the other subraces, though, occasionally leading observers to misidentify them as young Krangi, but they still demonstrate the age of the Dazlak through their size. Their ears are small and mostly rectangular, with a small point at the upper back edge. The wide and flat Dazlak nose sits in the center of the face. It is a light purple-gray color.   The Dazlak facial hair, like the hair on their heads and body, is wild and unkempt, but there isn’t much of it. The facial hair is confined to the mouth, chin, and jaw line, where it is thick but short. The Dazlak don’t bother with grooming or waxing, as the heavy winds in the desert make such vanities pointless. They see their hair as little more than a layer of protection for their skin, and treat it as such. The hair on the head is left wild and untamed. The Dazlak keep the high winds and sand from their hair by wrapping the hoods of their special cloaks around their heads during storms. Not all Dazlak grow body hair, but those who do tend strongly towards short hair in thin patches.   The Dazlak live within extensive cave structures hidden in the hills and deserts of eastern Tellene. As a result, their eyes are exceptionally keen in the near dark or dark, having developed the ability to see up to 120 feet. The ability of their eyes to function over a wide range of the light spectrum gives them an advantage when fighting in their underground environment. Their eyes resemble those of other humanoids, with a round pupil like those of a human or demihuman, and animal colors. They are most typically yellow or brown, with occasional reds and blacks.   Dazlak females are a little smaller and lighter than the males. Females are just as able and deadly in combat as their male counterparts, and participate in patrols and raids. As such, they exhibit the same weatherworn skin, eyes and faces as the males. They do have less facial hair, but often Dazlak females have some short hair along the line of their jaw. As for the hair on their head, when possible they are careful to protect it while in the open desert, and thus they generally resemble better-kept males. Male and female Dazlak can be indistinguishable from a significant distance.   Sil-karg of Dazlak stock are extremely rare, as the Dazlak kill most of their victims. In addition, they regularly kill any weak offspring (those who have not already been taken by the desert), and this includes almost all sil-karg. The few that exist have either proved their strength to their hobgoblin parents or were adopted by a parent of another race. Both of these scenarios are highly unlikely.

Social Structure

The Dazlak live in small communities scattered throughout the Khydoban Desert and Arajyd Hills. They are fiercely religious, and every aspect of their life is controlled by this faith. Unlike other hobgoblins, however, the Dazlak do not revere Mravroshkha-Khielshor, the Dark One. Instead, they worship Kortak-Tuvaghaz exclusively, and the House of Scorn is the governing force in Dazlak society. The Purgers make up the highest castes, and since they control all the resources of the Dazlak, they can force everyone into obedience. Those that refuse to worship Kortak-Tuvaghaz are harassed, denied food, and beaten until they submit or die.   Though on the surface they appear to live a primitive tribal life, each Dazlak community, or hazbarg (“desert shelter” in Merchant’s Tongue), is actually part of a larger network, forming a nation of sorts. The hazbargs enjoy a large amount of autonomy, including governing themselves and performing their own military actions, but they are ultimately under the control of the krokurgar (loosely translated as “high council”). This ruling council is made up of the leaders of every hazbarg or their representatives.   It coordinates the actions of the hazbargs, devises overall military and religious strategy, and coordinates relations with large foreign powers. In addition, it sets various laws, rules, and guidelines by which the hazbargs should be run and managed. The leaders of the hazbargs return from the krokurgar and implement these changes, as well as changes of their own. The result is a network of highly coordinated but independent communities.
Ability Scores
Con +3
30 ft.
Hobgoblins mature at the same rate as humans and have lifespans similar in length to theirs.
Your size is Medium.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Martial Training
Proficient with two martial weapons of your choice and with light armor.
Hobgoblin Weapon Training
Proficient in all hobgoblin weapons.
Raised to Stand
You may ignore the first two levels of exhaustion, you suffer the full effects upon reaching level 3 and above. Can be reused after a long rest.
You can speak, read, and write Tikor.
Bonus Languages
Goblin, Dejy, Reanaarese, Merchant’s Tongue.
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