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Ek’Kasel (population 412,500) is a small kingdom bordered by Pekal and the Kalalali Forest to the east, Ek’Gakel to the north, Korak to the west and Norga-Krangrel to the southwest. Ek’Kasel was the last of the Young Kingdoms to declare its independence from Kalamar. In reality, Ek’Kasel never fully seceded from Kalamar. They claimed their independence, but Kalamar secretly supplies arms and horses to help Ek’Kasel in its wars with Norga-Krangrel. On the throne in Bet Kasel, the capital, is King Erasar II, a distant cousin of the Emperor. The two keep in close contact and it is rumored that if Korak can be persuaded to help, Erasar will reunite the Young Kingdoms and pledge them to Kalamar.   As might be expected, Ek’Kasel and Korak are close allies. Through joint efforts, they put down three enormous hobgoblin attacks. Without Korak and Ek’Kasel, these advances would have surely overrun the other Young Kingdoms. Lately, the hobgoblin assaults have been less frequent. Erasar fears the hobgoblins are amassing their strength for a major offensive.   The people of Ek’Kasel have become accustomed to the constant state of war. Upon reaching fifteen years of age, every male enters the military to serve a minimum of three years before re-joining society.   The Kasite army numbers over 2,200 mixed infantry and cavalry. Women also serve a vital role in Ek’Kasel society. They have taken the responsibility of tending to the crops and livestock. Nearly all Ek’Kasel food is produced by women. As might be expected, Ek’Kasel is home to many widows of war. Many childless women enter the medical or alchemical fields. Women hold many offices within the local governments and in the business district.   Ek’Kasel claims the northwest quarter of the Kalokopeli Forest. From the rare herbs and mosses that flourish within this ancient wood, the Kasite herbalists develop a salve that allows wounds to heal at twice their normal rate. Additionally, Kasite alchemists have a treatment for wood that petrifies it as hard as stone, so Ek’Kasel is renowned for siege equipment of superior quality.   Most human and humanoid races and religions are tolerated in Ek’Kasel. The Temple of Armed Conflict and the Way of the Berserk have tremendous followings within Ek’Kasel. The Founder’s Creation, the Halls of the Valiant, the Hall of Oaths and the Church of the Life’s Fire also have a sizable number of worshippers. The Vicelord has a considerable underground following here as well.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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