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Haragitu - Half-Githzerai

Half-githzerai (or "haragitu" as they are called in Kalamaran) are rare on Tellene, though not unheard of Like half-dwarves, the haragitu are rypically born of political alliances between the girhzerai and the humans of Tellene. Marriages for love are extremely rare, as rhe hard-hearted githzerai breed with the humans merely to secure allies in their fight against the githyanki. The humans agree ro the exchange ln the hopes of gaining powerful allies, rich trade goods, or items from outside their own realm.   Because of Kalamar's great military power, most githzerai seek alliances-by-marriage within that kingdom. However, Brandobia, Svimohzia, Zoa (because of their use of steel) and Trarr (perhaps because of its rumored juncture between the planes) are also likely places where the haragiru may be found.


Regardless of which parent raises them, halfgichzerai rend robe silent and serious, keeping their own counsel in the manner of their githzerai parent.

Physical Description

Half-githzerai have thin, muscular bodies with angular facial features and small noses. With the exception of most half-githzerai/half-Svimohz, the skin of a haragiru has a slightly yellow tinge, the overall effect making them appear sickly. They stand half a bead over 6 feet tall and weigh approximately 160 pounds. Their eyes tend to be gray or a peculiar shade of light yellow or green. The haragiru have a lifespan slightly longer than a typical human.


Half-githzerai get along with no one well, though they tend to feel more comfortable around gray elves, whose similar height and serious artirude makes them feel less different than among humans. Due to theirgithzerai parent's strong influence, they also favor the company of monks of any race.

Half-Githzerai Lands

Haragiru have no lands of their own. Their parents commonly dwell on the plane of Limbo in a hidden monastery, returning to the human lands to exchange goods for more reinforcements. As haragiru do not have the ability to plane shift, those who are abandoned on Tellene (for one reason or another) are forced to live their lives away from one the githzerai part of their heritage. Haragitu are most commonly found only in the larger cities of Kalamar, Brandobia, and Svimohzia, with some occasionally found in Trarr and Zoa.


A balf-githzerai is most likely to follow the Powermaster, though the Old Man and the Mule are also popular choices.


The half-githzerai do not have a language of their own, and tend ro speak the language of the culture that raised them. This means chat haragiru are likely to speak the secret tongue of the githzerai, along with the regional language of their human parent. Many also speak Merchant's Tongue.


Half-githzerai favor the life of a monk (particularly among sects that value privacy), fighter, sorcerer, or psion. However, their human half is quire versatile, and the haragiru may be found among many other classes as well.
Ability Scores
Dex +1;
30 ft.
Haragitu reach adulthood in their late teens and live for about a century.
Gith are taller and leaner than humans, with most a slender 6 feet in height.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Gith.
Spell Resistance.
You have advantage on saving throws against the magic conditions. Under the tutelage of monastic masters, githzerai learn to govern their own minds.
Githzerai Psionics.
You know the mage hand cantrip, and the hand is invisible when you cast the cantrip with this trait. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast shield once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the detect thoughts spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.   Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components.