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Honorable of Pekal

The Nobility

The Barony

  • Althamar Dolnvrindol (Brandobian) of the Mounds District
  • Atresilin Baluro (Kalamaran Half-Elf) of the Wilderness District
  • Bariseto Lesepir (Kalamaran) of the Mounds District
  • Cyrin Fapethi (Kalamaran Half-Elf) of the Elos District
  • Estand Strond (Brandobian) of the River District
  • Famaran Vitisalin (female Kalamaran) of the River District
  • Fatelus Labeta (Kalamaran) of the Elos District
  • Hul’Ran Esamat (Kalamaran) of the Elos District
  • Jumar Oakstaff (Wood Elf) of the Wilderness District
  • Jurill Cuvinson (Wood Elf) of the Wilderness District
  • Lincareaes Riverpearl (High Elf) of the Eastern District
  • Makeby Sepiter (Kalamaran) of the Lake District
  • Mindroleen Ingramelin (female Brandobian) of the River District
  • Piten Ku’Ato (Kalamaran) of the Eastern District
  • Selmeriain Silvermoon (female High Elf) of the Kalokopeli District
  • Vrindan Brodron (Brandobian) of the Mounds District
  • Welrad Norcrenel (Brandobian Half-Elf) of the Kalokopeli District
  • The Counts

  • Bazi Ironaxe (Hill Dwarf) of the Central District
  • Deshabbin Highbow (High Elf) of the Central District
  • Folan Kapardi (Lightfoot Halfling) of the Central District
  • Grunthal Daliforn Fireruby (Rock Gnome) of the Central District
  • The Marquis

  • Telaris Galbranen (Brandobian Half-Elf) of the Eastern District
  • The Dukes

  • Folimis P’Mathus (Kalamaran) of the Lake District
  • Larofin Matikis (Kalamaran) of the Lake District
  • Knights of the Realm

    Knights of Fate

  • The Honorable Caies Fateshand (High Elf)
  • The Honorable Ninom Fakepi (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Sakira Goldenwhisper (Kalamaran Half-Elf)
  • Knights of the Arcanum

  • The Honorable Azishi (Svimohz)
  • The Honorable Olmcersel Ceiarela (Brandobian Half-Elf)
  • The Honorable Sarefesh Sharimanes (Gray Elf)
  • Knights of the Empire

  • The Honorable Belathon Hap’nar (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Horavan Vitarela (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Jaiman Dalieria Nightsong (High Elf)
  • The Honorable Puramar Legasas (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Yevelis Hethasila Oaktree (High Elf)
  • The Mayors

  • Ferasip P’dino (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of B’Fagito
  • Kanimo B’Pareso (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Baneta
  • Teianida Gotamas (Kalamaran Half-Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Dethido
  • Hul’Rog Difo (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Dupakido
  • Jehesa Surearrow (High Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Elvinar
  • Ketha Kevitiri (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Famido
  • Crolmn Sunarrow (Brandobian Half-Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Favido
  • Kabilo Fa’Atu (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Fawodido
  • Melito Patana (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Fobamido
  • Bagezi Zifari (Forest Gnome), the Honorable Mayor of Giblet
  • Brodrilcrin Branmornil (Brandobian), the Honorable Mayor of Gorido
  • Sular Firigel (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Ka’afido
  • Fakavik Balamel (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Koreta
  • Sajias B’Paras (Kalamaran Half-Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Lanido
  • Karin Makita (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Lebolegido
  • Lurithi Thaluris (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Ludarido
  • Saraba Kagopi (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Motido
  • Molburd Rainspring (High Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Nehosihido
  • Melotis Dabiris (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Nilido
  • Liltin Ichiln (Brandobian), the Honorable Mayor of Nubido
  • Relis Gatarela (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Nudopido
  • B’Kalith Orupor (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Pedido
  • Tarum Misith (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Pikiwido
  • Badisaro Sarisedis (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Pipido
  • Marveln Moontear (Brandobian Half-Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Rosido
  • Inaver As’haser (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Sulido
  • Kelvin Asamindris (Mixed Human), the Honorable Mayor of Thetukithedo
  • Olgrem Zarkider (Stone Dwarf), the Honorable Mayor of Tokindaar
  • Titor Orimar (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Tutido
  • Gorathas Paruma (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Vithufatido
  • P’Limer P’Lithar (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of W’nido
  • Remel Labito (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of W’Pawido
  • Perimel Setiman (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of W’vido
  • Ramul B’Porik (Kalamaran), the Honorable Mayor of Wedafido
  • Pelisar Longriver (Kalamaran Half-Elf), the Honorable Mayor of Worido
  • The Military


  • The Honorable General Bakus Kuwaki (Kalamaran)—Heavy Cavalry (dec.)
  • The Honorable Colonel Falaris Ka’Ato (Kalamaran)—Heavy Cavalry
  • The Honorable General Eva Ivaris (female Kalamaran)—Light Cavalry
  • The Honorable General Situs Selemar (Kalamaran)—Heavy Infantry
  • The Honorable General Gomar Steelstar (Kalamaran Half-Elf)—Hobilar
  • The Honorable General Jelena Sierraia (female High Elf)—Elven Infantry
  • The Honorable General Strongoak Willowreed (Wood Elf)—Light Infantry (Archers)
  • The Honorable Colonel Nolan Brightstar (Lightfoot Halfling)—Slingers
  • Marines

  • The Honorable Marine General Purimal Lasarela (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Marine Colonel Hamiris Surestep (Kalamaran Half-Elf)
  • The Honorable Marine Colonel Noakaer (Reanaarian mix)
  • Navy

  • The Honorable Admiral Emeasia Naizix (Reanaarian)
  • The Honorable Captain Asemer Oakshadow (High Elf)
  • The Honorable Captain Gaavao (Reanaarian Half-Elf)
  • The Honorable Captain Resimar Sanamo (Kalamaran)
  • The Constabulary of Bet Rogala

  • The Honorable Head Constable Janaiy (Dejy)—Artisans District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Aris P’Manis (Kalamaran)—Coins District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Wiuxie (Reanaarian mix)—Dock District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Vilokur (Fhokki mix)—Merchants District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Govibar B’Saranar (Kalamaran)—Municipal District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Dilokis Farogas (Kalamaran)—Old Town
  • The Honorable Head Constable Vilikel Setisar (Kalamaran)—Royal District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Galis Belis (Kalamaran)—Scholars District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Tharkka (female Fhokki)—Temple District
  • The Honorable Head Constable Kazak Ironfist (Hill Dwarf)—Dwarven Quarter
  • The Honorable Head Constable Shiven Softstep (High Elf)—Elven Quarter
  • The Honorable Head Constable Gerjrast Goldtooth (Rock Gnome)—Gnomish Quarter
  • The Honorable Head Constable Bolan Bojardi (Lightfoot Halfling)—Halfling Quarter
  • The City Guard of Bet Rogala

  • The Honorable Guard Colonel Kananivik Darisek (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Anandus Akashus (mixed human)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Balorel Remasa (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Damini Sinbaat (female mixed human)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Frolijar B’Parekson (Fhokki mix)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Gimani Saketi (female Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Josef Thomister (mixed human)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Jyothy (female Dejy mix)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Leratak Baripi (Kalamaran)
  • The Honorable Guard Captain Stronel Virinidon (Brandobian mix)
  • The Watchers of Twilight

  • The Honorable Night Captain Mieka Stonehelm (female Mountain Dwarf)
  • The Honorable Night Captain Ril Smiths (Rock Gnome)
  • The Honorable Night Captain Solan Takhiti (Lightfoot Halfling)
  • The Honorable Night Captain Quickeye Deerhunter (Wood Elf)
    Government, Leadership
    Official Languages