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Karasta "Irontop", Refuge of Exiles   Karasta is called the First Kingdom of the Seven Clans (among dwarves), or a Protectorate of the Kingdom of Kalamar (by the humans).

At a Glance

The small buildings and workshops visible From above ground represent only a tiny fraction of the city. Underground, the spacious caverns of the dwarves include samples of the magnificent stonework for which the dwarves are famous. Channels guide a river through the complex, and streams connect workstations, smelters, and forges. Locks and overflow sluices prevent flooding during the spring thaws and allow smooth transportation of goods directly from the mine to the various workmen in the city.   With its ancient tombs and dusty runed doors, the city's age is much more solid and tangible than that of an elven city, with its flowers and carved wood, or a human city of thrown-together bricks and mortar.


The dwarves of Karasta attend temples such as the Halls of the Valiant, the Church of Life's Fire, The Hall of Oaths, and the Courts of Justice. The humans in the city prefer the Church of the Silver Mist, the Temple of Armed Conflict, the House of Scorn, and the House of Shackles. The Champion of the Halls of the Valiant, Kuoro Jalck, remembers the Battle of Kadir Ridge well; he lost four sons there. He has said and done nothing in the presence of Mokira to alarm him, but Jalek is among the most ardent supporters of the inevitable rebellion.

Mages & Sages

Emperor Kabori appointed a wizard to assist in governing the Protectorate of Karasta. The latest appointee is Sir Etera Zem'Par, a useless hedonist who hides his ineptitude behind grand stories about slaying giants, raising mountains, and other nonsense. In a one-on-one battle, his choice of spells and tactical use presents an overwhelming onslaught, and only a fool would so engage him.


Theft from other dwarves goes so strongly against their culture that stealing is virtually unheard of. Stealing from other races is a different story. Dwarven patriots steal from the human residents as a means of harassment. They freely murder their oppressors as well when they can get away with it.


Nearly 4,000 Kalamaran government officials, soldiers, and their families. Over 21,000 mountain dwarves live in the intricate system of caves, surface buildings, and mines that makes up the kingdom.


Officially ruled by King Ungrum of the dwarves, Karasta is currently under the supervision of Duke Satira Mokira, a dark-skinned native of Tarisato. He hates dwarves and terrorizes the clan, taxing them ruthlessly and imposing no discipline on his men.   Ungrum bridles under this tyranny. He bears the humiliation Mokira heaps on him in the hopes of one day rebelling and restoring pride to his people.


The dwarves are not allowed to field their own army, although some expatriates have joined the Kalamaran Imperial Army that "defends" the kingdom. The Imperial garrison includes over 600 heavy footmen (300 of which are hobgoblin infantry), 800 light infantry, and a company of 250 crossbowmen.   The dwarves have managed to retain a "police force" that includes a large number of veterans of the Battle of Kadir Ridge in 548 I.R.

Industry & Trade

The kingdom produces huge quantities of obsidian, iron, and the pockets of gold found there have been extraordinarily pure. When the kingdom was independent, gnomish glassmakers made works of art no longer seen on Tellene. The scattered artisans no longer have the materials or the opportunity to exercise their craft.   Above all else, however, the mines produce more diamonds than any other source known. The gems are polished locally and fetch a high price in markets in Bet Kalamar. Mokira manages to smuggle out a handful each year to sell in Zoa for his own gain.

Points of interest

An explorer could delve for years and not discover all of the places worth noting in Karasta. Ironrop boasts underground lakes and rivers, waterfalls, Fountains, and whirlpools.   Tombs of kings dead For 30 generations —dwarven generations— line the walls in hidden caves. Inscriptions ancient before the first Kalamarans wandered across the land bridge to the Alubelok Swamp still sit unread since their carving.   The Miner's Guild Hall contrasts starkly with the older parts of the dry. Its design mirrors Kalamaran buildings in Tarisato and other places east of the Badato River. Chief Councilor Kurak leads the movement for a peaceful rerurn to dwarven independence. In a brilliant ploy, he discovered a loophole in the laws of Kalamar that allows him to collect fees from the soldiers guarding the mines without giving any of them a vote in the Guild's activities. This enormous increase in the Guild's coffers adds weight to the words he speaks into the ears of other Guild leaders and the nobility in Bet Kalamar, which he visits as often as he can.
Alternative Name(s)
Irontop, Refuge of Exiles, First Kingdom of the Seven Clans (per dwarves), Protectorate of the Kingfom of Kalamar (per humans).
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