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To the south of P’Bapar and the west of Ek’Kasel lies the Militocracy of Korak (population 670,000). The first Archduke of P’Bapar consulted with the Koraki general before seceding and even contracted his help should Kalamar retaliate militarily. Korak followed P’Bapar by seceding one month later. Korak’s current leader is General Alere Garnak.   Korak is a country constantly at war. In Korak reside the descendants of those who pushed the hobgoblins back to where they are now—and keep them there. Without Korak as a buffer, the Young Kingdoms would have fallen to the hobgoblins centuries ago. Every general who assumes the Koraki command swears an oath of office: “Never surrender, whatever the cost.”   This great war with Norga-Krangrel is not fought without the help of the rest of the Young Kingdoms. Every spring, P’Bapar sends 200 soldiers to help fight the hobgoblins and every winter Korak sends officers to help train their soldiers. Ek’Gakel sends an annual tithe and the dwarven kingdom in the Legasas sends weaponsmiths and armorers to Korak.   Over the last five years, the standing army of Korak has been slowly increasing due to the infrequency of Krangi raids. General Garnak believes the hobgoblins are preparing for an assault of Kalamaran proportions. He had better be right, for the cost of maintaining such a huge standing army is breaking the financial back of Korak. General Garnak has already borrowed from Ek’Kasel and the country’s economic future is uncertain. To make matters worse, Chancellor Epseln has withdrawn all Gakite support from Korak.   The Temple of Armed Conflict and the Way of the Berserk are very popular here. The Founder’s Creation, the Fraternal Order of Aptitude and the Church of the Life’s Fire are also common in Korak. Humans and humanoids are prevalent in the cities of Korak, but those with humanoid blood are openly persecuted. The standing army of Korak is immense. Heavy infantry number near 4,500, crossbowmen around 300 and cavalry number around 1,400. During campaign season, when troops arrive from P’Bapar, these numbers increase.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Militocracy of Korak
Leader Title
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