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Guldwon (Brandobian), Gisila (Dwarven), Hydary (Dejy), Albereclya (Elven), Hydarr (Fhokki), Toa (Gnomish), Golidirin (Kalamaran), Fuleta (Halfling), Fealain (Reanaarese), Dazulghaz-Vakh (Hobgoblin), Gohlnim (Svimohzish), Praurk (Orc) (a.k.a. Profitmaker, The Coinmaster)

Divine Domains

The Landlord is the god of money, business and greed.

Holy Books & Codes

The Ledger

“The Ledger” has sturdy teak covers, completely wrapped in leather. It is a physically durable tome written on heavy paper and protected by high-quality binding. The cover shows a highly stylized image of two men, one handing a bag of coins to the other.

The chapters are called Journals, and they number 13, one for each month. They are further divided into Entries, each originally representing one day of sales. This division of pages broke down some time ago, however, as multiple writers failed to follow the established format.

The majority of the Journals discuss the best business practices, negotiating techniques and strategies, sophisticated accounting principles, marketing techniques and other commerce-related topics. One Journal discusses various types of money (from barter to representative symbols to hard coin and minting). The tenth Journal, Harvest, discusses the value of greed. It teaches that without greed and the desire to accumulate more and more wealth, one can never attain perfection. Greed and the desire for material wealth hone one’s desire and abilities. The competition of commerce raises all participants by providing harsh lessons of loss to the weak and rewarding the clever and stalwart.

The Ledger assigns numerical values to sins and good deeds. It urges worshipers to keep minutes of their deeds and attempt to strike a balance. Adhering too closely to good or evil earns distrust from the other ethos. Grievous sins against the faith include short-changing good customers, defaulting on a loan, counterfeiting and lying on paperwork to avoid paying taxes (although avoiding taxes by legal manipulation, including lobbying to change laws in one’s favor, is encouraged as a sign of cleverness).

The Ledger is widely available, especially in Ahznomahn, Zoa and other major ports. It costs 25 gp.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

A golden weight scale.

Holy Colors

Gold, silver and platinum.

Holy Animal

The Profiteers have no specific holy animal, but favor the local livestock (chickens, cows, goats, sheep, etc.) as a source of profit.


During the early winter, the Parish celebrates the completion of a successful trading season. At this festival, quite practically called the Tithing, worshippers catch up on any tithe due to the faith (with interest, as the cleric is happy to calculate).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Profitmaker appears as a small, thin being, adorned in golden silk pants and a blouse with diamond buttons. She wears a silver cloak and carries a platinum walking stick encrusted with diamonds.
Divine Classification
True neutral