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Livre 1, Chapitre 3: Diabolus in Musica

Plot points/Scenes

1. The Shipwreck's Lament Scene Description: A storm of unnatural fury engulfs the vessel, dark clouds creating night during the day. The crew fights the violent sea, but the ship ultimately crashes against unseen rocks. When the storm dissipates, the surviving members of the Gehenna Squad find themselves stranded on a foreign shore, the wreckage of their ship scattered along the coast. They can't find their boat captain, and the ship's navigational tools are destroyed, leaving them uncertain of their location.   2. Jungle's Mysterious Whispers Scene Description: As the Squad treks deeper into the jungle for shelter and sustenance, they notice strange phenomena: melodic whispers at night, artifacts that hint at ancient, unknown rituals, and otherworldly lights in the distance. The jungle seems to be alive, watching their every move.   3. The Fractured Lizardmen Scene Description: The Squad stumbles upon a skirmish between two Lizardman factions. Instead of the usual tribal disputes, they learn these factions are split due to a powerful artifact, which one faction believes should be used to gain dominance, while the other believes it should be protected as it contains a bound demon that could wreak havoc if released.   4. Mezh-Vowmi Isle's Veil Lifted Scene Description: Through deciphering landmarks, or perhaps through information gleaned from a friendly Lizardman, they realize they are on Mezh-Vowmi Isle. The realization is bitter-sweet; they've reached their destination but are still far from the safety of the capital and must navigate the dangerous jungle and warring Lizardman factions.   5. The Gateway to Zha-Nehmish Scene Description: On their way to the capital, they find a massive ancient gateway adorned with symbols, hinting at a forgotten civilization that once ruled the island. These symbols resonate with the mysterious phenomena they've encountered. To pass, they may need to solve a puzzle or placate the guardian spirits.   6. Capital's Turmoil Scene Description: Once they reach Zha-Nehmish, the Squad learns that the Lizardman conflict has spilled into the city, with both factions seeking allies. The city leaders request the Squad's aid to resolve the Lizardman dispute, hinting that it might be tied to the very reason the Dead Company came to Svimohzia in the first place. The artifact containing the bound demon is revealed to be part of a set, and the city holds another piece.   End Note: The chapter ends with the Squad faced with multiple challenges: aiding a city in turmoil, the mystery of the boat captain’s disappearance, and the potential threat of an unleashed demon. This sets up the narrative for future arcs while grounding the Squad's purpose on Mezh-Vowmi Isle.


Disaster Mishap > Crashing the ship on an unknown island. Travel / Exploration > Finding out where they are > Traveling to the city (Inland walk to Zha-Nezmish) Survival > Surviving the local fauna and hunters



Disaster Mishap Travel / Exploration Survival
Plot type
Parent Plot
Related Locations