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Livre 2, Chapitre 3: Arboretum of Clahz

The Arboretum of Clahz is a hidden oasis located deep within the dense Vohven Jungle. It is said to be the personal collection of a powerful druid, who has spent centuries gathering and cultivating the rarest and most exotic plants and animals from around the realm.

As you make your way through the jungle, the air grows heavy and humid, the sounds of chirping insects and cawing birds filling your ears. Suddenly, you catch sight of a clearing ahead, and as you step through the foliage, you are met with a sight unlike any other.

The Arboretum of Clahz stretches out before you, a verdant paradise teeming with life. The ground is covered in a thick carpet of lush green grass, dotted with colorful flowers and herbs. Trees of every shape and size tower overhead, their branches heavy with fruit and their leaves rustling in the breeze.

As you wander through the arboretum, you can't help but be amazed by the diversity of life on display. Strange and exotic plants with twisted vines and glowing flowers fill the air with their pungent aromas. Mysterious animals with shimmering scales and glowing eyes peek out at you from behind the foliage, as if watching your every move.

But the most incredible thing about the Arboretum of Clahz is that, according to legend, the plants here are said to feed on the animals. It is said that the druid who created this place has harnessed the power of nature itself, allowing the plants to sustain themselves by consuming the animals that wander within their grasp.

See Garden of the Plant Master (2003) book by Kenzer & Co.

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Cover image: by Midjourney