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Livre 3, Chapitre 1: Seasons in the Abbyss

You have been walking around all day under a strange orange sun that has burned all vegetation into an endless hard earth desert, finally what seems like a village appears on the horizon.

Plot points/Scenes


The Plains of Infinite Portals

First hardship

Pressganging with the Claw of Yamataï

Second hardship



Third hardship


The players happen on skirmish between a group of Demons and a few Devils. There are multiple dead bodies on the ground, there are a few remaning demons that are failry vicious looking and many smaller devils, their superiors having been slain. One of the devils sees you and yells for your help.

Help us kill those bastards and we'll provide you a way out. No one wants to be here, even the demons are fighting to get out!



Walking around the Plain of Infinite Portals, they meet an imposing man who tries to force them into his service, when it becomes evident that they are pretty strong, he surrenders and pleads for his life. He's Corax, a local for the past 300 years. He'll explain the blood war and where they are. He'll mention that they are close to a small settlement where they could relax.

On the way there, they happen on a few dead demons, the most perceptive spots that Corax has pocketed a strange back with


Everything a demon does is oriented toward the Blood War, they all try to recruit and increase their personnal power. The inhabitants will try to force the Dead Company to remain eternally in the Abyss until they die fighting in the Blood War.

Rising Action

The group comes to a small waypoint village, there is Water to sell and food. While they are either relaxing or sleeping in the Saloon, The Claw of Yamatai enters town. They're a group of devil is press ganging weaklings into the blood war.

Falling Action

The Dead Company is invited to Azzagrat, home of the Demon Prince Graz'zt (First lieutenant of the Vicelord), his intention is to bring new blood to trade with his people. This will be a respite for the players. Graz'zt has a portal to bring the Company back to Broken Reach.

Pazunia, the Plain of Infinite Portals

by WotC 2010

Links & Background

  • Details on the Abyss
  • Pazunia: The 1st Layer of the Abyss
  • D100 random event in the abyss
  • Parent Plot
    Plane of Chaos
    The Plane of Chaos by 1994 TSR Inc.