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Mauriad the Cleaver

Although known for hobgoblins, Ul-Karg is also home to hundreds of plains minotaurs. The history between these people has been less than amicable, with frequent skirmishes bordering on open warfare. One of the largest herds, led by Mauriad the Cleaver, seeks to take Ul-Karg for themselves and enslave the Kargi. However, they have been unsuccessful in ousting the Kargi leaders, and the toll on the minotaur population has begun to show.

King Krarag-Randatk saw the potential in these people, despite their lack of discipline and unchecked rage. He approached Mauriad, offered an alliance, for Krarag-Randatk, in expectation of the coming war could not afford to continue the fight against their southern neighbors, and recognized their martial prowess and usefulness. The Kargi King offered the minotaurs a portion of the lands in exchange for their assistance against the humans. Expecting the plains minotaurs to betray them, Krarag-Randatk has no intention on awarding them land, and hopes to destroy them after the grudge with the humans has been settled.

Mauriad does indeed plan to betray the hobgoblins, for he knows they do not intend to give the minotaurs the promised lands. The minotaur chief agreed to the alliance to better position himself to kill the Kargi king. He and his kin await the opportunity to strike.

Nine feet tall and over 1,000 pounds, Mauriad has thick black fur over all of his body. Blasphemous runes decorate his long sharpened horns. In combat, he wears a metal mask with a demon visage, and an iron breastplate to match.

Chaotic Evil
Dark Black Eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black fur
9' 3"
1000 lbs
Creator of Strife