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At a Glance

The architecture of Miclenon is purely Brandobian, and many wanderers approaching out of the Elos Desert would swear they were horribly lost on first sight of the city.


Temples in the city tend to be solid stone buildings with elaborate stained glass windows and spacious one-room interiors. Major faiths include the Halls of the Valiant, the Home Foundation, the House of Solace, the Face of the Free, the Founder's Creation, and the Assembly of the Four Corners. The Landlord, The Watcher, Risk, and The Emperor of Scorn all have disorganized followings as well.   The Temple of the Stars is very popular with both visiting seafarers and the nomadic Dejy tribes who wander the desert. The temple doubles as an inn where visitors may stay for the fee of either 2 sp (on the stairs, underneath the cover of a wide balcony), a day's work (the same housing, but it costs no coin), or 8 sp (for a shared monk's cell indoors and two meals).

Mages & Sages

A burly sorcerer named Urfanc appears to have ogre or some other humanoid blood in his heredity, but he is pure human. Urfanc is flashy and shrouds his techniques in mystery and show.   Altamir began as a court jester in Dalen until the court wizard noticed his talent and taught him the basics of magic. Altamir is currently on assignment in Miclenon, teaching the military commanders how to make best use of their gold in an effort to appease Coldon's requests for reinforcements. He knows his material, but he is not welcome.


The underworld has a small cell of rebels who wish "to free themselves of the Imperial yoke" as they call it, but sensible folk refuse to listen to talk about independence. For the time being, Miclenon is firmly Eldoran.   Other dissidents include a band of thieves numbering around twenty who make it their duty to separate the governor from his taxes. These people do nothing so heroic and foolish as to return the taxes ro the poor; they keep it for themselves. Coldon has offered a reward of 1,000 gold pieces to anyone who brings him the leader of this band, dead or alive (speak with dead works at least as well as interrogating the living).


Brandobian explorers founded Miclenon. They came ashore to re-supply their stores with the figs and dates that grow abundantly here. After the break-up of the Brandobian Empire, the city of Miclenon declared allegiance to Eldor.   Miclenon remains a colony of Eldor to this day and the people show little inclination to change their colonial status.   A governor, appointed by the Eldoran king and then approved by a general vote oversees Miclenon. The governor serves a term of fourteen years during which his main job is to supervise the collection of taxes and send them back to Eldor. He must also settle all legal disputes and ensure the peace. At present, a strong governor named Coldon rules here, and he claims many miles of the desert in the name of Eldor.


Miclenon's tiny army struggles to defend the city-state. This weakness is yet another reason to maintain close ties with Eldor. A company of 150 light cavalry (large wooden shield, lance, and scimitar) and 125 heavy infantry (lamellar armor, longsword, and large shield) make up the army, patrolling often because the broken lands around the city provide for scant visibility landward. The two commanders, Sir Nurband, and Sacremor only abide each other's presence when necessary. Nurband's pretentiousness and Sacremor's stubbornness keep the two from working together, making a bad situation worse. Most civilized nations will not attack Miclenon, For this would mean declaring war on Eldor herself? Nevertheless, kobold tribes from the Elos Desert attack the city every few years. The army handles the diminutive kobolds without much loss, but hobgoblin or gnoll reinforcements break through the human lines or resist the cavalry charges often enough to inflict heavy damage. The city's militia, up to 500 strong, must be called upon to help with any determined attack. The frequency of this desperate measure has inspired Coldon to repeatedly ask For a larger permanent garrison of Eldoran regulars.

Industry & Trade

Many ships traveling up Elos Bay from the Straits of Svimohzia stop in Miclenon to re-supply and trade their wares. Miclenon is also on the main overland trade route that runs along the great Elos Road. This provides the Governor with additional opportunity to collect tariffs and taxes. The colony relies heavily on the regular trade with Eldor and suffers greatly when pirates in the Straights of Svimohzhia prey on these trade ships.   Miclenon's principal importance to Eldor and her trading partners is the wealth of figs, dates, and olives that grow there. The city also makes hazy glass that nonetheless fetches a fair price in Bet Urala, Baneta, and Bet Seder. In return, Miclenon always needs more horses to replace those that fall to the elements or battle (the only mounts available locally in any quantity are cantankerous camels and rugged desert asses).

Points of interest

Miclenon's shores have numerous limestone caves that soldiers try to keep clear of dangerous animals and monsters. Despite frequent forays into the caves, new creatures appear regularly. On the other hand, the presence of monsters deters pirates from using them to hide booty or bury bodies. The soldiers have discovered ghouls, giant ants, troglodytes, and other hazardous creatures.
Founding Date
I.R. 60
Alternative Name(s)
Colony of Michlenon
Large city
15,700 Brandobians, pure Dejy, and others who show heritage of both.
Location under

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