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Monarchists of Ahznomahn


The monarchists are a disaffected political organization surviving the dissolution of the monarchy in favor of Ahznomahn ’s current parliamentary system. The organization operates as independent cells of three members each, who receive orders and information from a main contact. Small, lean and completely isolated, these small groups work to restore the throne to Mizmohvam VI, who lives hidden away in a secret location. They have been unsuccessful, foiled as they are by the Golden Alliance that uncovers cells and ruins the members. If the monarchists have a leader, no one knows who it is.


Monarchists meet in the basements of homes, pass notes in busy taverns, and act as a secret resistance to Parliament. They spend most of their time talking about the restoration, with little physical action aside from an occasional bribe or act of vandalism. With the right leader, the monarchists could present a serious difficulty to a nation balanced on the precipice of war and unrest.

Short-term goals

The monarchists want the restoration of their party in Parliament. Through innuendo, subtle threats andconstant attention to developments in the capital, they work to lift the ban on their existence. Ideally, they would have anarchy in the streets, impelling the people to call for their dethroned ruler.

Long-term goals

Clearly, monarchists want a king on the throne. They also want the Golden Alliance out of the nation. They are divided as to whether or not Ahznomahn should rejoin Meznamish, with restoration of the old empire in the minority.

Locations of greatest activity

The monarchists have cells in Zha-nehzmish, Rismish, Mehzvahn and Vivahni.

Location of headquarters

As far as any of the monarchists know, there is no central headquarters. What no member knows is that Meznamishii spies operate in the capital and support the monarchist movement. Meznamish would like nothing more than to plunge Ahznomahn into civil unrest.
Secret, Brotherhood