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The continent of Tellene is dotted with monasteries, each one home to an order of monks. These secluded organizations are often devoted to intrinsic truth and physical perfection, and their lives are simple by design, usually emphasizing the spiritual benefits of arduous work and introspection. The monks of these monasteries are revered both for their strength in combat and their insightful wisdom, and often keep themselves in remote or isolated places, venturing forth only occasionally

There is no specific information on monks because they need no changes to fit in. They have no new spells, no feats exclusive to them (although several of the feats were designed with monks in mind), and none of the printed prestige classes were meant primarily for monks, so you're right in that there is no attention focussed on them.

But they're monks. They like it that way.

In fact, the church temple progression was designed to allow paladins and monks and other non-ministering clergy to advance the first few ranks. If you check the index of NPCs in the KoK sourcebook, you'll find at least one monk. There is a monastery in Aasaer.

In my own campaign, I attach most monks to the Temple of the Three Strengths. I can see arguments for several, as well as independent monasteries that follow the teaching of a particular monk master rather than a particular religion.

Monks are associated with religious and lay orders. They are most common perhaps in Ohzvinmish, where you find both cloisters and individual monks in rather larger quantities than elsewhere.

Lloyd Brown {Lloyd Brown (who wrote much of the Player's Guide) has an interesting article in KODT 69 about Monks that might give you some specific help with this question.}