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Mystical Gold Coins

There are a hundred mystical gold coins hidden around the Sovereign Lands, they could be anywhere.  

The hundred coins


Past Events

The Creation of the Mystical Coins

In an age where the cosmos was young and the boundaries between realms were still malleable, the Pantheon of Harmony, a council of gods from various domains, convened to discuss the stability of the universe. During this celestial summit, an idea was conceived—to create a series of artifacts that would allow the wielders to maintain balance in the universe through their wishes, thus giving rise to the Mystical Coins.


The Artistry and Power of the Coins

Crafted by the combined efforts of gods of fortune, magic, and craft, each of the 100 gold coins was imbued with a sliver of divine power. The coins were forged in the ethereal fires of creation, cooled in the moonlit waters of the River of Fate, and engraved by the legendary celestial artisan, The Founder. Each coin bore the image of a mythical creature—one on each side, symbolizing dual aspects of power and consequence.

The creatures chosen were not merely decorative but deeply symbolic, representing various forces of nature and elements of mythical lore. From the Phoenix, embodying renewal and rebirth, to the Hydra, representing resilience and danger, each image was a conduit for a minor magical power that the bearer could harness.

The Scattering of the Coins

Once created, the coins possessed immense potential, enough to shift the tides of reality itself. However, the Fate Scribe quickly realized the peril in such concentrated power. To prevent any single entity from wielding too much influence, he dispersed the coins across the many worlds and dimensions known to the Pantheon.

The scattering was not random but orchestrated like a celestial game, each placement serving as a test or trial, embodying challenges aligned with the nature of the beast on the coin. Some were placed in the lairs of dragons, others buried in the heart of uncharted labyrinths, and a few hidden among the stars themselves, only accessible through complex rituals or celestial alignments.

The Legend Grows

Over millennia, the Mystical Coins passed into the realm of legends. Treasure hunters, heroes, and villains alike whispered of gold coins that could grant powers beyond imagination. Songs and stories spoke of quests to find these coins, with many believing them to be mere fables. Yet, the true power of the Mystical Coins lay dormant, waiting for those worthy—or daring enough—to discover them and perhaps, one day, unite them all to wield a wish of unprecedented power.

Plot type
Side Quest - Collection
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Mystical Gold Coin #1 by Czech Mint
Mythical Gold Coin #3 by Czech Mint
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