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At a Glance

The young homes, still fresh with the scent of cut wood, the tall people, and the hard-working domestic animals all shout youth and vitality. A tall bronze statue of the semi-mythical hero Jorakk, after whom the area is named, is the _most outstanding visible object visitors spot when they enter through the single gate in the six-foot wall around the town. A plaque on the statue's base appeals to the people who follow Jorakk to "Wait not for a path to appear if you wish to journey. Make the path yourself that others may follow."  

City Map


Mayor Tanarr Lorr, elected to a lifelong term, is the city's principal government official. He sees as his primary duty the appointment of magistrates, judges, and other officials. Captain Thalnawr, the senior member of the military, . Waktit ensures that the merchants who dock at the port pay their taxes, which go almost entirely to wages and to buy equipment for the city-state's small army. A surplus does build up, but the good captain uses it for maintenance to the city's modest wall and a few two-story watchtowers. The people here are accustomed to their independence.   Civil disputes are generally settled by a cleric of the people involved if they are of the same faith, only going before a magistrate as a last resort.
Free City
Alternative Name(s)
Lost City of the North
25,000 Fhokki and Dejy humans. The city also claims about 1,000 wood elves and at least 2,000 halflings.
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