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Nogror Ukâk

Known as Gray Orc in the Merchant Tongue

Many a fool has overlooked the orcs when delving beneath the surface. What they lack in strenght they more than make up for in numbers." - Balan, Kalamaran wizard and adventurer


Millennia ago certain tribes of ores entered tile deep earth and senled there permanently, preferring to war against the underground dwelling nices rather than against the multitudinous surface folk. As the ages past so their bodies changed to suit their new environment.   Gray orcs, or deep orcs as they should be called, differ in physique from common ores, being slightly shorter and lacking much of the muscle mass typical of rheir race as a whole. Even so, they still possess a higher strength than most other major races. Few have any form of body hair and their skin is clammy to the touch.   Constant clambering over rocky terrain and avoiding chasms has given them greater agility and a lighter frame. Gray ores weigh roughly 30% less than a human of similar build and rarely reach much over four-and-a-half feet in height. Such is their build that many explorers refer to them as goblins rather than ores, and the rwo races do bear many similarities.   Dwelling deep within rhe earth away from the glare of the sun bas had two side effects. First, their skin bas a light gniy, and in some cases white, tone insread of the darker shades common of their kinfolk. Second, their eyesighr bas evolved ro give them an edge over their natural prey in the depths and they can see roughly rwice as far as a standard ore in complete dnrkness.   Their lighter skin and more sensitive eyes have made them more averse to sunlight. lo extreme cases the skin has been known to blister upon exposure ro the sun and temporary blindness is a problem if they visit the surface world.


Mind flayers, who use the ores as warriors in their own private wars against their racial enemies, control many rribes of gray ores. The ores benefit because they can keep much of the treasure they take on raids and remain free from the feeding habits of the illithids, so long as the flow of captives continues. A result of rhis subservience is char gray ores have become dependent on strong leadership. When such qualities are lacking they are easily confused and morale is low when nor lead by a mind flayer or strong willed ore (of any breed).   The aggression of these ores is focused on rhe races that inhabit underground realms, such as the dLLrvaJk (stone dwarves), the drow (dark elves), the mytbar (deep gnomes), and all manner of goblinoids. lney war almost constantly against these creatures and com mi r acts as brutal as any of their surface dwelling cousins. Raids against dwarves, elves, and humaru; are rare, as the gray ores detest sunlight more than any other sub-breed.   Whereas other breeds of ores may make alliances with goblinoids, gray ores never make such bonds. Their masters need a constant supply of food and slaves, and forming an alliance, no matter how temporary, removes a valuable source.   The gray ore world is one limited by the range of their vision, which is just over one hundred feer. Beyond this, the world may as well nor exist. As a result, chose few gray ores that have visited the surface world suffer from acute agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). The sucface world seems limitless to their minds and leaves them feeling extremely vulnerable.
Ability Scores
Dex +2; Str +1
30 ft.
Orcs reach adulthood at age 12 and live up to 50 years.
Your size is Medium.
Superior Darkvision.
You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
As a bonus action, you can move up to your movement speed toward a hostile creature you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.
Underworld dweller.
You are proficient in your choice of two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Stealth.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Orc.
Languages spoken