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The Duchy of O'Par (population 520,000) was part of the Kalamaran Empire until only 83 years ago. The Duke at that time, Ukadoran II of the noble House of Asalate, decided to ignore the Emperor and not participate in a joint assault with the Duchy of Dodera against Tharggy. Thus, O'Par slipped away from the weak Emperor and declared its independence, with no retaliation from Kalamar.   Today, O'Par is ruled by Duke Gadadik I, a direct descendant of Ukadoran II. The Grand Duke is a devious, scheming ruler. Gadadik knows that O'Par is neither rich nor powerful and, therefore, to ensure her survival, he plays a game of politics and intrigue with his neighbors. Although surrounded by the warring nations of Paru'Bor, Shynabyth, Pekal, Tokis, Tharggy and Dodera, Duke Gadadik has declared complete neutrality. He remains neutral so that he may play both ends against the middle, and serve as a trading post for the fighting countries. Gadadik allows all nations to send their troops and merchants through his small dukedom; this gives him the opportunity to collect tithes and tax goods from all of his neighbors.   Due to O'Par's neutral status, it has a very small standing army. Foreign raiders and armies often pass through unhindered. However, because their rulers give them strict orders CO cause no harm to O'Par, these foreign troops rarely bother the locals. Not only do they not damage the land, but Gadadik charges their rulers a tithe for each soldier that is allowed to pass as well.   The northern Kakapela hills provide decent grazing land, but O'Par has few valuable resources. O'Par's greatest export is her spies. Duke Gadadik has an extraordinary spy network, arguably the best on TeIlene. It is said that Gadadik has posted at least one spy within every foreign government. Thus, he knows about every war, treaty, tax increase and alliance before it occurs.   Because he has infiltrated the governments of each of the nearby countries, Gadadik is able to sell information to both the Empire and its enemies. The information that the Duke sells is not necessarily the truth, and is often used to incite or prolong conflict. He does this without remorse, as he profits from the warfare. Gadadik sells this information with great care, especially with respect to the Empire, for he does not wish to anger Emperor Kabori enough to see O'Par once again in the hands of the Bakar dynasty.   Most religions have churches in O'Par. The most prevalent are: the Home Foundation, the Theater of the Arts, the Parish of the Prolific Coin, the Order of the Passionate One, the Courts of Inequity, the House of Knives, the Church of Chance and the Impostors.   Castle P'Adis, located in the northern Kakapela Hills, serves as the home of the Duke. Surrounding P'Adis is the small capital city of Bet Bireli. This unremarkable city is home mostly to shepherds and farmers. Bet Bireli is famous only for being a town where knowledge may be purchased and spies can he trained. All races are permitted within the Duchy of O'Par. Indeed, demi-humans often make excellent infiltrators.
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