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Obakasek Foraging

Pendant que les joueurs et quelques marins sont en train de chercher de la nourriture dans la Jungle d'Obakasek, un groupe de chasseurs goblins les embusquent!  


The characters are in a clearing in the jungle.  


  • 3 Wyverns (CR 6)
  • 3 Razorfeather Raptors (CR 2)
  • 6 Goblins (CR 1/4)
  • 2 Tyrannosaurus Rexs (CR 6)
  • Conditions

  • The clearing is surrounded by tall trees and dense vegetation.
  • The Wyvverns are aggressive and reckless aerial hunters with a poisonous sting.
  • The Raptors are fast and agile creatures that can deal a lot of damage with their claws and teeth.
  • The Goblins are skilled with their bows and arrows, they are hidden around the clearing in the jungle to stay clear of ranged attacks.
  • Reversal

    The two T-Rexes appear when the Wyvverns or the Raptors have been defeated, the remaining troops of the first encounter use this opportunity to flee as soon as the Company stops focusing on them.  

    Tips for running this encounter

  • Use the jungle to your advantage. The Wyverns can fly, so stay out of their range. The Raptors are fast and agile, so be careful not to get surrounded. The Goblins are skilled with their bows and arrows, so be prepared to take cover.
  • Spread the monsters out. Don't have all of the monsters in one place. This will force the characters to split up and fight them one at a time.
  • Use the monsters' abilities. The Wyverns' acid breath can deal a lot of damage, so be careful not to get hit. The Raptors are fast and agile, so be prepared to break free from their grapples. The Goblins are skilled with their bows and arrows, so be prepared to take cover.
  • Plot points/Scenes

    Discovery of Water > Ambush > Reversal > Fight or Flee


    Dangers of the Obakasek Jungle.



    A small clearing with swampy water.


    Survival Combat / Engagement
    Plot type
    Related Locations