BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The spirits cannot be tricked or cheated. They will give you the object of your struggles only after you have paid their price.
– Nurzek, hobgoblin shaman, speaking to a cleric of Risk

A shaman is a divine spellcaster who guides and protects his tribe with magical power attained from the spirits of nature. A shaman uses his perception and intellect more than a weapon, for he seeks to help the world, not to hurt it. This way of thinking gives the shaman a distinct advantage over those who leap into the fray without considering the consequences of their actions, or those who see only the short-term goal.

The shaman class is a great choice for players interested in a wise Dejy or nonhuman spellcaster with a deep connection to the world of nature. By taking a totem animal, you share its aspects, overcoming your foes with the characteristics of an animal, and the great spirits improve your powers rapidly as you advance. Of course, you must be careful. The enemies of the unspoiled lands are many, and human settlements encroach ever further from day to day. Worse, strange aberrations – surely unintended by nature - walk, fly and crawl through your lands, and you must be prepared to meet them. Your people are counting on you.

Equivalent to a the Sheperd Druid in 5e.