BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The inocuous sounding title actually hides a fairly brutal "sport", where two contestant take it in turns to beat each other with a large stick until one of them loses consciousness. Hardly a sport that needed inventing, the game has two simple purposes; to harden warriors without maiming them for life, and to establish a group pecking order.   The rules are fairly simple: two contestants are picked at random to square off, armed only with six foot pieces of wood and naked save for loincloths. One is chosen to start the contest and he smacks his opponent as hard as he can across the head or shoulders. Assuming the opponent is capable, he may then return the blow. This continues until someone passes out, giving a first and second place in the pecking order. Once recovered, the victor then fights another opponent chosen at random. If the new foe wins, then he takes first place and everyone else moves down a position. The simple orc mind assumes that anyone who can beat an opponent who has already won a contest must logically be capable of beating anyone else who has already lost to that orc. When the first victor wins a second contest, the loser and the current second place are pitted against each other to determine who holds which position. A victory for the second place orc means that the third place is challenged, and so on until the current loser wins a bout and secures himself a place or reaches the bottom of the pile. This process is repeated until the order is firmly established in every orc's mind.
Orc "sport"