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At a Glance Large expanses of emerald lawns and a wide stone bridge over the Izhoven separate the homes of the commoners from the luxurious palace of the duke. The east side of the river apparently belongs exclusively to the rich and powerful, although only a small guardhouse at the east end of the bridge shows any physical barrier.


The Home Foundation, the Hall of Oaths, the Courts of Justice, the Temple of the Stars, the Temple of the Three Strengths, and the Church of the Silver Mist exert the most influence on the people of Svomwhi. Temples of lesser importance include the Inevitable Order of Time, the Church of Chance (popular with the prospectors and merchants), the House of Hunger, and the Temple of Strife.

Mages & Sages

A meticulous elven chronicler named Weithaelin has been recording the recent events surrounding the ongoing civil war. After falling from favor in Zenshahn because he never revealed his work, Weithaelin moved to Svomwhi, where he found the reception much warmer. The historian is convinced that more exciting events are coming up, and he wishes to be in Zazahni when they happen. His writing takes a long time because he has an incredible memory for detail and he writes in the elven language, a slow and laborious task.


Mesvanish is an agent of the Confederacy of Ahznomahn. The Ahznoms fear the power of a united Zazahni, especially if under Meznamishii control. Therefore, Mesvanish (only one of a dozen agents like him across the country) preaches independence for each Zazahni duchy. He also spreads word about the good work that the Confederacy of Ahznomahn has done, the wealth of its Members of Parliament, and the nation's stability.


Duke Dovizhem III rules the city of Svomwhi from his marble palace on the east bank of the lzhoven River. His name is not popular in national circles because of his father's resistance to the country's unification, but his own subjects adore him. While his authority is unquestioned, his seneschal Baron Svemahni exerts far greater influence in the daily affairs of most people. He oversees the collection of taxes, construction of roads and fortifications, and the Ministry of Faith, a local body whose main purpose is to see that the churches comply with the law.   Svemahni's ambition and lack of social graces are famous in the city, and many people shake their head at how little he tries CO hide either. Dovizhem allows the baron free reign at the moment, content to wait until Svemahni has more power than he can handle before cutting him off. As far as Svemahni's rudeness, the duke loves having a more visible target than himself for satiric bards to ridicule.


Dovizhem's army consists of two hundred heavy infantry and 300 heavy cavalry protect the city. With no natural borders, the troops must cover all sides. Because the Duke refuses to hire mercenary troops, he encourages the clerics in the city to hire them, and these untrustworthy mercenaries (except for native crossbowmen) spend most of their time prospecting for gold in the hills.

Industry & Trade

The Duke's palace and gardens provide a major drain on the area's economy, since he takes so many workers away from the food-producing crops to make sure his roses and lilies grow. Despite the drain, the city has enormous wealth. The nearby Imomena Hills produce plentiful but rough wool, horses roam the eastern plains, barley and hops thrives on the west bank, and the lzhoven is still shallow and swift, providing mills with reliable motive power throughout the year.

Points of interest

The Tomb of Kings is a granite building dedicated to the remains of King Adasvero. The two-step pyramid stands only about 60 feet across and 50 feet high and shows no decoration on the bottom level. The top level has a small altar dedicated to the True, idealistic images of happy farmers and workers, and an entrance into the interior. The entry is arcane locked at 17th level and the interior has several illusions designed to frighten intruders.   The king rests with a ruby-tipped scepter, which served as his badge of office, a law book, and his golden crown. He rests alone for now the Truthseekers wait for a king to last long enough to begin a dynasty. Once a king's son becomes king, the Truthseekers intend to request the honor of guarding the dead in this Tomb.
Large city
18,100 Svimohz and about 800 dwarves, halflings, and gnomes.

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