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The Black Duke

Duke Halinozh

After Zazahni gained its independence, the noble houses turned on one another, plunging the families into a terrible civil war. Nobles perished, towns were ruined and so many commoners were killed it is said the Holy Mother wept through the entire ordeal. Now, with only 23 houses left and ambition once more on the rise, the civil war continues.

Of those that died, all but the most dedicated scholars have forgotten their names. However, not all Svizohr who died stayed dead. Some arose from their graves to continue the war. One such Svizohr is Duke Halinozh, once a mighty warlord once close to stealing the throne, before his comrades turned on him at the Svomwhi gates. With his dying words, he cursed those houses, vowing to return and slaughter them all.

A week later, the former Duke Halinozh’s enemies began to vanish. Stories of a black rider leading an army of skeletal warriors astride evil horses spread throughout western Zazahni. With each telling, the stories grew more elaborate, until the truth could no longer be distinguished from the fiction. Many claim they still see old Duke Halinozh leading his army of undead soldiers in the west, haunting the bones of dead cities.



Constitution Damage (Su): Will save DC 16 (halves damage and negates Con damage).

Abyssal Blast (Su): Once per day, the Black Duke may blast eldritch fire to fill a 20-foot-radius spread within 720 feet. The blast deals 8d6 points of damage, half of which is fire damage. The other half is divine and not subject to reduction by protection from elements (fire), fire shield (chill shield), etc. A Reflex save (DC 16) reduces the damage by half.

Fear Aura (Su): Creatures of less than 5 HD that are within 15 feet of the Black Duke must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) or be affected as though by a fear spell cast by an 8th-level sorcerer.

Immunities (Ex): The Black Duke is immune to cold, electricity, and polymorph, in addition to his undead immunities.

Summon Mount (Su): The Black Duke rides a black highland dancer with reddish hair and mane, somewhat resembling a nightmare. If this highland dancer is lost or killed, the Black Duke may summon another one after a year and a day.

Undead Followers: The Black Duke attracts lesser undead creatures that happen to exist within a 200-mile radius. He may have up to 16 HD of followers, which arrive monthly in the following increments: 1d6 ghouls, 1d4 ghasts, 1d12 medium skeletons, 1d4 wights, or 1d8 medium zombies once per week. These creatures serve the Black Duke until destroyed.

Undead Traits: The Black Duke has the standard traits of an undead creature as described in the glossary of the Monster Manual.
