The doors to Vohven
In between two ranges of hills is a long valley some 50 miles long. The hills' slopes are gradual and drop into fetid swamps fed by the water draining from the neighboring hills. Carved from the run-off, the valley begins in Ahznomahn and travels south into the Vohven Jungle, its namesake. Here, Ahznomahn trades heavily with the Vohven Jungle natives, exchanging shoddy goods for lumber, herbs and spices. The trading hub is Zha-Vaznahn, an ugly outpost at the southern end of the Confederacy. Further south is the military fortress and penal colony, Norzhahn. Norzhahn is where Ahznomahn sends its worst criminals; they are expected to guard the nation from an
invasion from the south. This community is brutal and savage, filled with some of the most dangerous people on the island. A sentence to Norzhahn is regarded equivalent to a death sentence.
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