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Worlder Emeni Zalden

At least the second largest temple in Zha-nehzmish, the Temple of the Stars is a sprawling complex near the city’s docks. The church’s High Worlder, Mushan Ohmdalz, is frequently absent, so the duties of maintaining the church fall to its Worlder, Emeni Zalden (NG cleric 11). Emeni is not native to Ahznomahn; like many people in Zhanehzmish, she came to the city to seek her fortunes. A long time follower of the Traveler, she found the city lacking in much of an organized faith. She took it upon herself to unite the smaller shrines dotting the coastal towns throughout Mezh-Vowmi Isle and establish a new church. The only thing stopping her was Mushan Ohmdalz; he was the rightful head of the church, but with his capricious manner and the irregularity of his time in Zha-nehzmish, she felt she would never be able to secure his blessings or assistance. In a bold move, she falsely announced she followed the intentions of the High Worlder (and therefore, the edicts of the Traveler) by creating a church to glorify the name of their god. Lesser clerics quickly joined her. To pay for the construction, she personally visited each ship docked in the port to remind them of their debt to Amehz. Her tactic worked, for no rightminded sailor would anger a priestess of the Traveler. With each ship, funds for the new church flowed, and after six years, the building rivals The Home Foundation. Emeni is a proud and pious woman, with plain features and a tight-lipped smile. Her coloring suggests that she is not entirely Svimohzish (perhaps some Brandobian or Dejy blood), though she never confirms or denies questions about her heritage. She wears her long brown hair in a tight bun. She is in her thirties and physically fit. When seen in the city, she wears long black robes over a yellow inner robe as befits her station. She carries a well-worn quarterstaff, to use against any thugs and ruffians she might encounter along the way to the docks.