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Wiinken Fizzlefern

Wiinken Fizzlefern

Wiinken Ignatius Fizzlefern   Of the well known Fizzlefern family of artificers; mostly artillerists with a few alchemists. On my mother’s side I’m part of the Darkore family of smiths.   Born the youngest of the Fizzlefern family, my siblings and I were the first Fizzleferns to grow up completely on the floating islands. Growing up nouveau riche, I went to the top artillerist schools, always wore the latest fashions/armor, had the latest artificer gadgets and tools, and of course had a lavish Follower of Gond ceremony and Guild Member induction party. Even a few battlemages attended the latter!   I’ve always been great at making clockwork trinkets as well as infusions and have found a decent reputation within the artificer community for both but have yet to make my mark in the world at large. My dream growing up was to be the leader of a top artillerist unit in the military but my father said I needed to build up my reputation within the Artificer’s Guild first. I’m very proud to be a Fizzlefern and admire everyone in my family greatly although I feel stuck in my older sibling’s shadows. They have achieved such immense greatness I’m not sure where my achievements will fit in. Recently I thought becoming a member of that one dude’s secretive artificer’s group could be another path to greatness but now I’m on an airship to Prehn with a bunch of druids and I don’t know what to think/believe anymore.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Black hair that’s pulled back in a high/spunky pony with very choppy bangs I either clearly cut myself or maybe scorched them off in a failed experiment… There are a few little braids throughout, my uncle would put little braids in my hair as a child as a blessing of Suvulaan and they brought me a lot of comfort/made me feel pretty - I also use them as a headband of sorts so people don’t question them as much. Russet skin with many a small scar from failed artillerist experimentations including a deeper one right through my left eyebrow. There’s always a bit of grease/soot under my fingernails. I have rough hands from working with them all hours of the day.   I always have a bit of a glint and mischief in my eye - I look like someone who clearly enjoys when her failures explode when I’m tinkering on my own.

Apparel & Accessories

I’m wearing the more formal armor of my guild since I wanted to make the best impression possible at the party with the hopes of being accepted into XXX’s secret group of artificers. My guild’s colors are copper, silver, and gold to distinguish ourselves as mastertinkerers of metals. Underneath the armor are a simple shirt, pants, and boots of leather that are frequently conditioned to ensure they remain supple with a muted shine. If we’re ever needed for combat or official guild attendance for military demonstrations we have matching helmets but I left mine behind since this was supposed to be a party!

Personality Characteristics


Brimming with energy and optimism, always ready for the next adventure or invention. I'm endlessly curious, constantly seeking new challenges to test my artificer skills. Despite my small stature, I have a big personality, never hesitating to speak my mind or jump into action when my friends need help, sometimes to my detriment. My foot has met my mouth many times and will probably meet it many more.   I seek acceptance and recognition wherever I go and sometimes don't get why folks might not get along, rarely picking up on the undertones of a tense situation.


Contacts & Relations

Fizzlefern Family:
  • One of the most well-known Artificer families, any rock gnome artificer is either part of the Fizzlefern family, has married a member, or has a Fizzlefern ancestor. The Fizzleferns have obtained status but are not insiders of the nobility/ruling class, trust me they are working on it ;)
  • Nouveau riche - my father and mother were part of the first generation to move onto the floating islands and convert from the old gods to Gond completely. Our family home is like a stereo typical long island/miami nouveau riche home - flashy, cold, built for parties more than comfort but we do have a top of the line tinkering shop/cannon range. Very different from the cozier loamside homes of wood - like my grandparents old home and my uncle’s home.
  • Previous generations worshipped the old gods; most Fizzleferns have changed faith to worship Gond but some old god rituals remain depending on the family member.
  • There are probably around 100+ Fizzleferns or Fizzlefern connected family members out there - I have 20 immediate cousins who are all either master smiths, artillerists, or alchemists.
  Knod Vizzini Fizzlefern (age: 107)
  • Eldest Brother - third generation of well-known Fizzlefern artificers, first generation to grow up entirely on the floating islands. Most faithful follower of Gond - recently decided to give up his place in the guild to apply to join the priesthood. Oryssa and Fezzik are extremely proud and are currently planning a massive party to celebrate if he is accepted. Creator of Gond’s Cleansing Word - Eldritch cannon that loudly projects Gond’s holy words as it blasts its targets. Annoyingly devout but kind to his family and the citizens of Calcidon, follows leadership blindly.
  Bliinken Zilvia Fizzlefern (age: 90)
  • Middle Sister - currently the shining example of the newest generation of Artillerists. Was definitely tapped to be part of XXX’s artificer group but Fezzik and Oryssa had bigger plans for her and forced her to decline. All topsiders know Bliinken Fizzlefern, her crafted items and services are highly sought after and seen as status symbols. Being groomed to ultimately lead the guild and currently in negotiations to marry into one of the lesser battlemage families (likely they need the Fizzlefern money). She is the closest to being part of the ruling class and acts as such - a bit spoiled, bound by duty, think of her as the Marcia to Wiinken’s Jan.
  Fezzik Fizzlefern (age: 250)
  • Father - the second generation of well-known Fizzlefern artificers, first generation to become wealthy enough to move topside. Current guildmaster of the Artillerist guild and top artillerist consultant to the military - creator of many weapons (basically founder of Calcidon’s Lockheed Martin). Very nouveu riche - flashy, boisterous, but one of the greatest artificers (possibly only surpassed by his daughter Bliinken) so those in power put up with him.
  • I love my father and cherished learning to be an artillerist from him. I get my boisterous nature from him for sure and since I’m the baby of the family, he lets me get away with most things.
  Oryssa Darkore-Fizzlefern (age: 245)
  • Mother - third generation of well-known Darkore smiths, first generation to become quite wealthy and move topside. Was a master smith/member of the smith’s guild until about 105 years ago - she then modeled her life after the ruling class and busied herself with her children’s development and society events. Eldest and only daughter of master smith’s Jocryn Darkore and Zilvia Shortspark-Darkore - brothers (Knocryn, Tocryn, Zocryn, and Kribo) are all master smiths who also live topside with their families. Like Fezzik, very nouveau riche - snobby, flashy with fashion, jewelry and other objects, extremely devout to Gond - her main goal is to be accepted and revered amongst the topside society elite and will do anything that might raise her or her family’s standing.
  • I adore my mother as well and attribute my success and the success of my siblings to her. She always made sure we had everything we needed to be top artificers and would break out her smithing tools to help us build a part we couldn’t find or didn’t exist.
  • She raised us to worship Gond and usually turned a blind eye to our dabbling in the old God’s ways until Uncle Ignatius disappeared/died.
  Ignatius Fizzlefern (age: 300 if still alive; 260 at time of disappearance/death)
  • Uncle, brother of Fezzik - A highly sought after alchemist duo, he and his husband (Elroe Foxtail-Fizzlefern) died/disappeared 40 years ago. Their house was found blown to bits from the inside so it’s believed they were experimenting and accidentally blew themselves up…but no bodies were found. One of the nastier rumors is that he refused to give up the old gods and had even begun dabbling in healing arts through alchemy to better serve Aaz and was killed by his own family or the guild. He was very fond of his nephews/nieces and doted on them during visits/sent gifts for old god celebrations.
  • Similar in appearance to Wiinken, he had a kind face and appeared younger than his younger brother Fezzik .. likely because he was perfectly happy with the “small” life he had chosen as a loamside alchemist and refused to engage in the politics of social climbing and topside power struggles
  • His fingers were stained a variety of colors from various alchemical experiments but soft to the touch.
  • When he wasn’t concocting he was wandering the garden his husband tended or enjoying long walks to visit friends throughout their neighborhood.
  • He and Elroe had always known of each other but didn’t really take notice until their early 100’s. They would often sneak away from town celebrations to drink wines and alcohols they had fermented themselves while gazing at the floating islands and beyond that the stars. Elroe seemed to have a grounding effect on Ignatius and together they built a modest home filled with warmth and love.
  • Beloved by Vizzini and Helphina, they thought he might be able to lead the artificer’s guild some day but quickly realized his ambitions remained in the dirt. They turned a blind eye to his choices as they diverged more and more from the topside family which led to a lot of tensions with the immediate and extended family members who were focused on social climbing and power grabs.
  • Had a close relationship with his siblings throughout most of his life but as the two younger siblings went topside, petty arguments grew. While Fezzik ultimately received the accolades, there was always some jealousy with how much their parents doted on Ignatius and allowed him to do what Fezzik and Ginervya saw as blasphemous and detrimental to their family’s future. In the years before Ignatious’ disappearance Fezzik and Ginervya had begun demanding he convert to worship Gond, if only so he couldn’t embarrass them and ruin their ambitions.
  • No one in the family has been loamside for personal visits since his disappearance.
  • He gave me a clockwork sparrow that can act as a sending stone, but only to the same clockwork sparrow my uncle had and it was either destroyed in the blast or is out of range. I used to use it to tell him about my day and after he died/disappeared I still use it to talk to him even though he can’t respond.
      Vizzini Fizzlefern (age: 420) Grandfather, Fezzik’s father - part of the Fizzlefern generation to make Fizzlefern associated with top artificers and begin to build the Fizzlefern wealth. Designer of all airship defense systems. Held the title of guildmaster for 100 years before passing it down to his son, Fezzik. Married to Helphina Laststone-Fizzlefern, a master smith until her death 5 years ago. Kind but a bit gruff - thinks absolute worship of Gond is silly but keeps that to family dinners. Drives Fezzik and Oryssa crazy by building mini eldritch cannons to shoot at birds/flying objects.   Ginervya Fizzlefern-Shortspark (age: 275) Aunt, sister of Fezzik - A well-known guild alchemist, married to another well-known artificer family of mostly artillerists (husband is Tobis Shortspark). Best friends with Oryssa and equally devout to Gond. Appearance and reputation are everything. Has twins closest in age to and best friends with Bliinken (Orion and Orianna Shortspark - artillerists - members of the guild).   Top rock gnome families of Calcidon Fizzlefern (artificer’s - mostly artillerists but some alchemists) Darkore (smith’s) Foxtail (artificer’s - mostly alchemists) Laststone (smith’s) Shortspark (artificer’s - mostly artillerists)

Religious Views

Follower of Gond
  • I have a few animatronic/clockwork relics to help with my daily rituals/worship (birthday/holy day gifts from my brother)
  • I do miss the old god celebrations from when we would visit my uncle as a child, particularly anything celebrating Grahmindol.

Wealth & Financial state

Growing up nouveau riche, I went to the top artillerist schools, always wore the latest fashions/armor, had the latest artificer gadgets and tools, and of course had a lavish Follower of Gond ceremony and Guild Member induction party. Even a few battlemages attended the latter!
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
I was the Guild Master of the Junior Artillerist’s Guild of Calcidon for two years until I graciously stepped down *cough cough* was asked to resign after I blew a hole in the wall of our school with a malfunctioning eldritch cannon.
Floating Islands of Calcidon
Current Residence
A boat in the sky??
Reddish brown
Soot Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3 ft
90 lbs


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