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God of Lightning Baraqiel (a.k.a. Lesser God of War)

Divine Domains


Supremacy, war, lightning


Precision, speed, excellence, strategy

Tenets of Faith

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.


He is celebrated rarely, as is common among Gods of War, as his teachings do not encourage the notion of celebration without having achieved a victory. There is the rare ocassion on which a moment of silence is held for him, when, upon the Summer Solstice, as the Red Sun is about to rise at dawn, a singular bolt of lightning will crash somewhere out of sight. The bolt is bright enough to plunge the world into momentary daylight, even as the sun still crests the horizon, and loud enough to silence the planet in an instant. It is said that this signifies that he has emerged victorious from a great battle.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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