
The town of Agiddo is a large collection of small buildings that each offer something unique. While that difference can often be very subtle, it is always there.

Agiddo is the brain child of Fey Lord Casper of Glottony, who resides over a realm of opulence and overindulgence of every sort. A true drunkard's paradise, there are cocktail bars, and beer and mead stands, every time one turns about. Craft dharak joints linger dreamily in shadowy corners. Opium dens, hookah bars and massage parlors flank some of the best restaurants in the known multiverse. Food aficionados come here from every corner of reality to partake in top-tier meals, drink exotic liquors, and partake in every conceivable kind of fun.

Arcades line some strips. Others are flanked by brothels and walk-in medical clinics, and they are all interconnected as only things in the Feywild can be. Navigating from one place to another in Agiddo is much more about intent, than it is about knowing which shops are on what corners, or the layout of city streets. Many times, to get somewhere one must first know it even exists, and then know which street it happens to corporealize on.

The town is vaguely spiral shaped, with all roads curving to the left toward a grand casino that inhabits a massive central tower, which is situated on a hill. Fairy lights float lazily in the twilight around the tower, with flashing lights and enticing music beckoning one deeper into the township's core.

It is there, in the tower on the hill, that an extradimensional playspace has been created. All manner of delights can be found on any number of floors of the tower. From deep sea fishing excursions, to undersea adventures, to space flights and tours of the galaxy; if one knows what to look for, one can find it, at the Grand Casino.

Just be very careful what one wishes for. It could, possibly, come true!

The main body of the township is comprised of colorful tents. The only permanent structure within the city limits is the tower itself, the rest are market stalls and canvas homes, ready to pack up and move at a moment's notice. Although, no one has moved out in centuries...once someone gains a foothold in Agiddo, they hold on to it with all of their might. it is a hard-won commodity.


Every possible iteration of a sapient species can be found at Agiddo. It is such a melting pot, one can find celestials gambling at the same tables as devils, and pit fiends eating meals alongside angels.


The government is a fascist dictatorship, but it is based solely on having fun. Interfering in someone's fun can be seen as illegal, if it is too egregious an error, and could result in banishment to float in the astral sea for a year and a day.

Security is provided by hired crews of veteran personnel, often from opposing sides of the same war. Celestials and Pit Fiends working together on patrol is not an uncommon sight, because when they can put their differences aside for the job, they are not only formidable, but fair. And that is what Lord Casper of Glottony requires of his security forces.


The town guardians are mighty enough to stave off any ontowardness, however, it is hard enough to find and get to Agiddo that most problems are simply avoided in the first place. Needing an invitation to get in is a big part of the defense strategy.

Industry & Trade

There is a lot of trade done within the city limits, but industry is essentially quashed. There are no large factories or industrial plants, no giant mills or even a waterwheel. Food is imported from all over the planescape, never obtained locally, but the restaurant trade is booming in Agiddo. Gambling, too, is a rampant pastime, with the trades surrounding and supporting it making profit hand over fist.

One must use the word 'profit', for not all vendors deal in gold or coin. Some deal in souls, or time, or life. Always be sure who you are talking to, which is a good rule in the Feywild in general, but absolutely essential in Agiddo.


The tower, all of the market stalls, and the roads and grounds of the market are all kept and kempt by the government, which is paid via a tax levied on all monies gambled. All other enterprise in Agiddo is entirely free and unregulated, although quite some care is taken to keep monopolies from forming.


Districts are broken up mainly into Innkeeper's Row, Tanner's Alley, the Jewelry District, Alchemy Alley, and the Exchange. The rest of the town is made up of large market spaces, known as Southmarket and Westmart.


Lord Casper holds the wealth of entire nations in his vaults, having invariably won it all in games of chance. As he says, 'The house always wins!'

Guilds and Factions

There are no guilds allowed in Agiddo, although factions and clubs abound. Secret Societies, too, are awfully prevalent for being so hush-hush.


Lord Casper started the town as a gambling hall within his own tower in the Feywild. He has since built quite a little township if tents and market stalls surrounding the old tower, which has been renovated to include many multidimensional rooms and spaces to accomodate all sorts of peculiar tastes.

Points of interest

One can, quite literally, find anything one finds interesting, in Agiddo. Lord Casper prides himself on providing the most comprehensive pleasurable experience possible, and takes great pains to be sure most tastes are met...although there are some that are unpalatable to him, and therefore not allowed within the city limits.


For a semi-secret pleasure den, Agiddo is awfully well known...and Lord Casper likes it thataway. He keeps a steady stream of new profit coming through Agiddo at all times, and he does so by promising wonders to new people just as much as promoting new services to existing clientelle.


The tower is a standard circular based construction, made of local stone and raised well before Agiddo ever became a thing.


It is always a balmy 77°F in Agiddo, with clear skies except for the occasional misty morning.

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Alternative Name(s)
The City of Delights
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Feywild: Agiddo

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