Chapter: Forester? I barely even know her!
You have been hired to find one of the Kingdoms foresters, who has recently gone missing trying to map The Impenetrable Forest of Birkwud. Contrary to popular belief, there are many small villages, hamlets, and camps throughout the forest. She could be at any of them! We will provide you with directions to the last village wherein the good doctor was seen, and a generous sign on bonus to help defray travel expenses, and to provide you with the means to afford sundries for the journey.The city of Craysilt is large, and ancient. Rebuilt many times, it has been a century and a half since it was last destroyed, and the safety provided within its walls has come to be taken for granted. You will be leaving tomorrow morning, but for tonight, you still feel safe and secure. The farther west you travel, the more dangerous it will get. Birkwud is still wild, virtually untameable, and all manner of dangers lurk somewhere close by.
Plot points/Scenes
Beginning in Craysilt, then to the West Country, and thence into The Impenetrable Forest of Birkwud. From there, the fun really gets hairy!
Forest, woodlands, woodsfolk, woodcraft