Corman Settlement in Tellus | World Anvil


In the grand scheme of things, Corman is more important to the Kingdoms than most people realize, what with its proximity to Feynor and the Feywild so close at hand. But it also plays a strategic role that no one but the upper echelons of the Unified Kingdoms' intelligence service knows about; it sits directly atop a node where two ley lines cross.

The living is rough out here, but not as rough as many of the residents would have you believe. These are well established work settlements, where it is in the The High King's Seat's best interest to make them as safe and productive as possible. Therefore, money has been sunk, resources have been siphoned, and tax collectors have been notoriously lax. These towns and villages are safe. Or, at least as safe as any town or village in the rural heart of the Kingdoms. The High King 's influence is strong 'round these parts, manifesting as fierce patriotism and rugged individualism. People with names like 'Broke-nose Nate', or 'Hilltop Harry', simply litter the place, each with their own unique and colorful stories.

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