Craddock's Tavern

Eastern Craysilt is rife with hunting camps, hunting lodges, hunting stands, and hunting people. It is one of, if not the, most prevalent sport and hobby in the region. It is how many folks make their livings; either by doing the hunting, or by leading hunting and foraging expeditions. Guides are in short supply, and high demand, out in the forests of Eastern Craysilt.

The westernmost part of The High Road is home to Craddock's Landing, one of the most famous spots in the entire country; yet it is now, and always has been, nothing but a convenient camping spot. It is flat, near enough to water to make it convenient, yet far enough from the river that the tents and shacks are safe enough from the infrequent floods of the River Wutjörn. It is far enough out into the woods that visitors can brag that they have been out in the forests, yet close enough to civilization to make it a feasible weekend trip for many people.

Called Craddock's Landing, this infamous camping spot is known to get rowdy with drink. People will travel to Craddock's Landing just to party a weekend away. Yet, it is a real country camp, with a stockade fence to protect it from raiders and thieves. The town council, made up of the dozen or so full time residents that have the time and resources to govern the chaotic encampment.

They meet at the Tavern; the only other permanent structure in town. Yet, even the tavern was never meant to last forever, and the fact that the camp has lasted long enough to warrant pouring a foundation and building a framed and roofed structure has never ceased to amaze the elders that make up the Town Council. But, here the tavern is, and here it shall stay as long as it is as busy as it is today.

Craddock's Tavern is perhaps the most famous waterhing hole in Pax, other than The Gilded Goose, which is the best tavern everywhere, according to themselves.

Eastern Craysilt: Craddock's Landing
Craddock's landing is a small, semi-permanent encampment on the eastern side of the mighty River Wutjörn. It is ostensibly the first place one sees when traveling The High Road east toward Feynor, or the last place one gets to when travelling the other way, back to the Inner Kingdoms.   It is a marketplace specializing in those particular things that would be helpful while travelling through the deep woods. Eastern Craysilt has no real farming, per se, the people of the region preferring to hunt, and to forage for their sustenance. Here at Craddock's Landing, one can find many needful things.
The High Road
Geographic Location | Apr 8, 2024

Purpose / Function

The tavern is a bar and concert venue, known for the diversity of its acts, and the heavy pour in its cocktails.


The entire building actually started out as a stout tent, but has over the years been replaced with a permanent structure on a stone foundation.


It is a stone and poured concrete foundation, stick-built log cabin, built from the ground up with local lumber and home-made, mud chink.


The entire town has a stockade log fence built around three sides it, supported with watch towers and protected gates. It is protected by the mighty river to its west.

Cover image: View of the Tavern


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Aug 22, 2024 02:26 by Glen

I need to remember to build out articles for my maps like this.